Personally, I worry about the rampant secularism involved.

Are Violent Video Games Adequately Preparing Children For The Apocalypse?

After all, nods to demonic infestation via the undead menace are all very well, but I feel that our video game makers are relying too much on the crutch of zombies to fulfill their supernatural liability requirements. Don’t get me wrong, I think that putting down walking corpses is a useful life skill, but there’s more to combating the ravening forces of Hell than that. We need to avoid falling prey to faddishness.

The best legal decision that you’ll read today.

People vs. Foranyic. Some keywords:

Stygian darkness.

It really is very well written; clear, concise, grammatical, and with a certain lively wit that suggests that the author took the time and effort that the subject matter demanded. I have no idea who J. Bedsworth is, but I still like the cut of his or her jib. And I also like jdub of Ace of Spades HQ for showing it to me.

Crossposted at RedState.

Great. Giant mountains in Antarctica.

Just great:

Alp-sized peaks found entombed in Antarctic ice

OSLO (Reuters) – Jagged mountains the size of the Alps have been found entombed in Antarctica’s ice, giving new clues about the vast ice sheet that will raise world sea levels if even a fraction of it melts, scientists said on Tuesday.

Using radar and gravity sensors, the experts made the first detailed maps of the Gamburtsev subglacial mountains, originally detected by Russian scientists 50 years ago at the heart of the East Antarctic ice sheet.

“The surprising thing was that not only is this mountain range the size of the Alps, but it looks quite similar to the (European) Alps, with high peaks and valleys,” said Fausto Ferraccioli, a geophysicist at the British Antarctic Survey who took part in the research.

Fark, of course, immediately twigged to the problem here, and it ain’t global warming. It’s the fact that there are big honking mountains in Antarctica, just like HP Lovecraft said that there were.  Which leads one to wonder what else the man was right about… if I was dumb enough to think about it too closely, of course. So I’ll just note that Charlie Stross’ “A Colder War” (found in his collection of short stories Toast) is a fun sequel to Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness, particularly if you like Cold War-era paranoia.

And really, who doesn’t?

Murdoch rumored to be after the New York Times.

He might settle for the LA Times, though.

(Via Patterico) Not at all likely, but definitely funny:

Murdoch on the prowl for print sales

NEW YORK — Rupert Murdoch’s counterintuitive quest to invest in print media helped drive away longtime lieutenant Peter Chernin.

And now that Chernin can’t intercede, does Murdoch want to follow News Corp.’s $5 billion buyout of Dow Jones by gobbling up the struggling New York Times Co.?

The answer appears to be yes, as impossible as present economic conditions make it for most deals of any kind to get done.

Continue reading Murdoch rumored to be after the New York Times.

Two seafaring songs by my wife.

I’m not exactly sure why she was sniggering when she sent me the link to these: the “Crew of  Seven Hundred” is a war song about a captain trying to find a way to patch her ship, while “The Small Sword Song” is essentially about a job interview.

Maybe because they were both written for her 7th Sea game?

Moe Lane

PS: Oh, yeah, I’m also supposed to mention that you may want to not click those songs at work.  I’m not sure why: it’s not like there are any dirty words in them.