Patreon Microfiction: “A Cursed Field of Research.”

The joke in “A Cursed Field of Research” probably wouldn’t work in fantasy languages. I don’t even know if it works in any other language except English. Not really interested if it does or doesn’t either, to be honest. It’s a bad joke in mine, and that’s what’s important.

February Patreon Pledge Drive: 2/8/2019.

Had someone up their pledge, which is cool and gets the reward but I don’t want to sound like people should give more than they already have. Still, every little bit helps.

Also: again, if we hit $200/month this month people will get a free new chapter from my in-progress future-fantasy novel Assault on Malstorm Base! Because good things should happen to good people, I think.

I should have maybe have made it easier to tell a $1 difference.

Prologue, First Two Chapters of ‘The Bold Marauder.’

You can find them here. This is the Pulp SF serial that I do on Patreon, whenever I have a new subscriber. If I get it up to $200/month, I can write a new installment every week; you want people to have that in their lives, right? So tell your friends! And show them the chapters: the post is public, so they should have no trouble seeing the chapters.