The Matter of Chicago [The Day After Ragnarok]

There’s a little project that I’d like to do for The Day After Ragnarok, assuming they ever bring back the game line. Alas, there’s one big problem: I’d have to write up Chicago. For a game setting written by Ken Hite.

Well, you solve big problems by turning them into smaller ones. Like setting the parameters, at least.

Continue reading The Matter of Chicago [The Day After Ragnarok]

Tweet of the Day, The Day After Ragnarok Map Analysis edition.

I have my own nitpicks with the nitpicks in the video, but that’s all right. It’d be a poorer world if everybody agreed with each other on everything. The point is, THE DAY AFTER RAGNAROK is my second favorite moribund game line*, simply because it is so much fun to play in. I liked seeing it referenced here.

(H/t Ken Hite)
