The Lost Fleet [The Day After Ragnarok]


The Lost Fleet
[The Day After Ragnarok]

Most of the post-Serpentfall world has more or less forgotten about the Battle for the Atlantic. There are several good reasons for this: first off, that particular battle had been effectively over prior to the sudden end of the world, which meant that most of the heavy ships of the Allies had been already diverted to the Pacific theater — and that the naval forces of the Axis had largely ceased to exist. What naval forces did remain in the Atlantic are generally assumed to have been lost in the mega-tsunami that destroyed the American East Coast; certainly almost none of them later reported in. And, of course, the North Atlantic is now a watery deathtrap of rogue icebergs, expanding ice cap, and bitter cold. If any ships did survive, they would now be crewed by ghosts. Continue reading The Lost Fleet [The Day After Ragnarok]

Item Seed: Winston Churchill’s Walking Cane.



Winston Churchill’s Walking Cane


This is the walking cane that Winston Churchill carried throughout World War II. As you might imagine, it can have a certain resonance, in the right hands. And if it ever ends up in the wrong ones, well, the pyrotechnics could be entertaining.  Also, messy.

Continue reading Item Seed: Winston Churchill’s Walking Cane.

The Ebony Tarn of Alberta [The Day After Ragnarok]

In case it isn’t obvious, I’m trying to finish up and clean up some stuff that’s been lurking in my hard drive for a while.  Way overdue, honestly.


The Ebony Tarn of Alberta

[The Day After Ragnarok]


Not every effect of the Serpentfall was supernatural: in Alberta’s case, the mere shifting of tectonic plates was enough to bring its existing vast reserves of oil even closer to the surface. The countryside from wendigo-haunted Edmonton to new-walled Calgary has been transformed to a natural oil seepage, and the stubborn stay-behinds who refused to move after Alberta rang like a bell have discovered that the men in far-off, safe, warm Vancouver will pay good money for the suddenly accessible crude (and largely clean) oil while not asking too many questions. The province now has teams of wildcatters feverishly and roughly exploiting the new oil supplies, with whatever equipment they can find (or steal, or rob).  In exchange, back East comes survival goods, luxuries, and new immigrants.   Continue reading The Ebony Tarn of Alberta [The Day After Ragnarok]

The Louisiana Death Bayou [The Day After Ragnarok]

I hope that this game line comes back soon; the world is a heck of a lot of fun to write in.


The Louisiana Death Bayou

[The Day After Ragnarok]

Looking for adventure in this post-Serpentfall world?  Visit the romantic Louisiana Death Bayou!  

Continue reading The Louisiana Death Bayou [The Day After Ragnarok]