Expensive, but nice.
I already have most of this in PDFs, at least.
Expensive, but nice.
I already have most of this in PDFs, at least.
So far my list of possibles are:
I suspect that Delta Chartreuse is just gonna happen, period. Assuming that I can find that Pyramid article (it was Volume 2, thus strictly online, and good luck finding it now! You’d think that they’d sell access to that archive, though…
The Delta Green app‘s Agent generator isn’t quite as awesome as I’d like — it mostly just gives name and background — but the Green Box random item generator is great. So great that I don’t want to wear it out early by clicking clicking clicking until I run out of weird stuff to find. …And they used to have something similar (random boxes in Warehouse 23) at Steve Jackson Games, but I can’t find it now. Which is a shame: they put a couple of my ideas up, and I was fond of them.
Just got Delta Green’s Control Group in the mail. It’s a collection of scenarios for the game; I think that this is part of my Kickstarter goodies package. Some good stuff in here, although of course I’ve seen the PDFs and whatnot before.
Continue reading In the Mail: Control Group (DELTA GREEN).This Backerkit link should work, if you want to pre-order either Delta Green: Labyrinth (groups to implode in play during a Delta Green campaign) or Delta Green: Those Who Come After (sourcebook for the time-traveling, body-stealing Great Race of Yith). Plus, of course, all the extras that came along with that particular Delta Green Kickstarter. It won’t give you the same deal, but that’s why they have Kickstarter.
I am very curious about how this particular game line will develop further.
I must have ordered the Unspeakable Oath 25 (Arc Dream Publishing’s semi-regular Call of Cthulhu gaming magazine) in both print and electronic forms. It’s great that it showed up in the mail, actually; I wanted to read it somewhere besides the computer screen, and it’s a bit of a pain to transfer files from computer to phone sometimes. Besides, the letters are bigger this way.
Yeah, that’s more of a consideration than it used to be. Time marches on, alas. Time marches on.
A slight extravagance, to be sure.
But A Night at the Opera also frees up my library from the individual adventures, which I can then donate to gamer charities. So, hey, win-win, right? Besides, it looks cool.
Moe Lane
PS: …OK, OK, I made a mistake and ordered this not realizing that I already had all the adventures. I’m still going to donate the individual ones to charity. Gonna have a big box for WashingCon…
PPS: …OK, now I’m even more confused. Did I pre-order this, and this is the pre-order copy going out before the book’s for sale generally? Or did I get this as a stretch goal, and made the mistake of ordering the individual adventures? I need to start writing this stuff down.
Finally. And I’ve already signed up for the Kickstarter, of course. Having John Tynes write Delta Green: The Labyrinth is something that I can really get behind.
Found here. A lot of nominations for the new Delta Green, which is honestly the only one that I can really speak of from this year’s list. But it’s good — if you like cosmic horror, particularly when it’s written by people who are having their own Horror at Red Hook moment — so I’ll happily vote for it and leave the other categories blank. Also, the new Delta Green Kickstarter (for Delta Green: Labyrinth) drops on Monday, assuming it doesn’t get delayed again. Gonna be cool…
I can stop haunting Kickstarter now: Delta Green: Labyrinth will drop on July 9th. …We. We can stop haunting Kickstarter now. Surely I was not the only person in the world popping over at random to do searches today. Surely?