I completely missed the fact that CD Projekt Red sent me a closed Beta key for their addictive Witcher-themed online card game. Is anybody else in on this? It might be fun to play online with people.
Category: Video Games
The ‘Avengers Project’ trailer.
It’s… interesting.
Big News: @SquareEnix and @Marvel announce a multi-game partnership leading with The Avengers project. #Reassemble pic.twitter.com/DS87Iuzk7G
— Square Enix (@SquareEnix) January 26, 2017
At first I thought that they were talking ‘MMO,’ but Marvel kind of had one of those already. Presumably they’re not ready to try another bite at that apple. Still, this trailer seems a little off for a mere announcement that they’re going to produce a bunch of first-person shooters. Maybe they’ll let you bring in old characters to new games? …Ach, well, first rule: trailers lie.
I wouldn’t mind a good MMO, though. Mind you, I don’t play the three or four I’m signed up for now.
The ‘Prey’ gameplay Trailer.
In case you were wondering what Bethesda was doing instead of the next Elder Scrolls or a Fallout DLC that strips you down to your underwear and sticks you somewhere dangerous*. Comes out May 5, and I’m wondering just how much gameplay there’s going to be in this thing. I mean, there’s a limit to how big a space station is likely to be a mere twenty years from now, right? Unless we suddenly figure out how to get a lot of stuff into orbit cheaply, and I mean cheaply**.
Moe Lane
*Seriously: it was weird, the way that they went back to that well in both Fallout 3 and New Vegas. And Skyrim, come to think of it.
**OK, sorry. Looked at Wikipedia, and it turns out that this is an alternate universe with a divergence point in the 1960s. Fair enough.
OK. Let’s look at this second Mass Effect: Andromeda trailer.
Here it is, so let’s have us a look-see.
…Right. I got an asari, a krogan, and there’s at least one salarian and turian back on the ship. And a proper exploration vehicle again. Yup, we’re good. Continue reading OK. Let’s look at this second Mass Effect: Andromeda trailer.
The evening got away from me.
Mothership Zeta DLC in Fallout 3, to be precise. I had forgotten that it was in there, right up to the point where I got abducted on my way to somewhere else…
Headline of the Day, I’ve Been *To* Suffolk County… edition.
…so I’m going to say that Google has a point.
Google highlights image of ‘Fallout 4’ to represent Suffolk County
The ironic bit? Many hardcore Fallout 4 players won’t recognize that spot immediately, because we have long since downloaded mods that make the place a bit less oppressively dead. I myself use Fallout 4 Seasons – Summer, which makes the place a whole lot more green and overgrown. It really does make a difference in gameplay.
A scene from the Mass Effect (1) LARP.
See? You could totally do this with a M35 Mako. Bioware wasn’t having you on.
No Season Pass for Mass Effect: Andromeda.
Details here, such as they are. I’m neither really thrilled nor really upset about the lack of a Season Pass: but then, I buy a lot of video games well after they came out. and have generated all of the DLC that they’re going to have. A Season Pass is usually cheaper than buying each individual DLC pack, but then so is buying the Deluxe or Game of the Year edition.
And in Mass Effect: Andromeda‘s case, it doesn’t even really matter anyway. I know that I’m going to buy it all anyway. In fact, I’m a little confused as to why there’s no Deluxe Edition for the PC yet. Could it possibly be that the console versions are going to have primacy of place for this title? The very idea seems amazingly subversive. And entertaining, no doubt, for those who get annoyed when us PC gamers get first crack at everything.
Thoughts on Assassin’s Creed: Rogue?
I’m getting close to done with Syndicate: and I got the impression that the French Revolution one kind of sucked. But Rogue is kind of too much like Black Flag, right? Then again, I liked Black Flag and I’m not going to be paying full price for it anyway. Anybody play it?
I ask Settlers of Catan / Skyrim players: would you buy this?
Because it looks like something that people who play both Settlers of Catan and Skyrim would buy. And I figure that there’s got to be some overlap, there. Via Constant Reader JAB in comments:
Settlers of Skyrim: Strongholds and Dragonborns https://t.co/JTbrheCgII
— Ogiel (@Ogiel23) January 7, 2017