Today is a chronological oddity.

In about two hours it will be 12:34:56 on 07/08/09.  Jules Crittenden predicts either the end of the world, or nothing in particular.  Given that said end of the world will probably look like this*:

…I’m hoping for nothing in particular. But believe me, the 2012 cottage industry is starting up already.  You’d think that if the Mayans were so good at predicting societal collapse, they would have predicted the one that they ended up having in the 9th century**…

Moe Lane

*Probably not.

**Apocalypto is actually from a later period. Sort of.

At the end, the bear’s paper eyes haunted me.

Blueshelled has an absolutely hilarious video up that demonstrates what happens when you don’t have an adequate stock footage budget – or, perhaps, any budget at all – but still need to report on a bear sighting in Cleveland. I won’t reproduce it here, because she’s earned the traffic.

I will repost this ad, of course:

…if only because… well, you know why I’m reposting it, of course.

Crossposted to RedState.

And now the President is reminding Russians about Alaska.

This post written after I finished wiping coffee off of the monitor.

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Instapundit readers. Check out the haunting of the bear’s papery eyes (original link here).

God, I miss the days of the Bush administration, when we didn’t do things like this.

Referring to the long history of Russia-U.S. trade stretching back more than two centuries, Obama told an audience of business people in Moscow:

“Along the way, you gave us a pretty good deal on Alaska. Thank you.”

Contra Reuters, this was not a “pointed quip” (as Ed Morrissey notes, it only works as one if you assume that the President wanted to insult his hosts): it was a “somebody didn’t read the briefing materials (particularly the bits about Vladimir Zhirinovsky) gaffe.”  What’s next?  Thanking the Chinese for their involuntary help with training up our Navy during the Boxer RebellionThat should go over well: they’re even touchier about their history than the Russians are.

And I actively dread thinking about what the current President is going to say, the next time that he visits Japan.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

I almost wish that Iowahawk would stop doing this.

Well, not really. Not at all, in fact. Via Little Miss Attila:

Please do not touch the bureaucrats


Music (throughout)
Motley Crue, “Girls Girls Girls”

Katherine Weymouth
Hey fellas, after a hard week lobbying down on K Street, we know what you want. When the sun goes down on the capitol dome, you want to kick off those white shoes and get comfortable with the Beltway’s hottest journalists and public policy analysts. And they’re all waiting for you at the Washington Chrome Post.

Sexy Reverb Voice
mmmm…. the Washington Chrome Post.
(Trust me, there’s more. Much more)

But still: he makes this look all too easy, sometimes.

Crossposted to RedState.

Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D) and two House Resolutions.

The one that you want to look up is H. Con. Res. 135.

I tried to stay out of the entire bizarre meltdown that was the Jackson funeral.  Really, I did.

So when Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee (Democrat. Oh, my, yes: Democrat): introduced a resolution in Congress honoring the – what did you call Michael Jackson, Rep. Pete King (R)?

Right: low-life, pervert, child molester, and pedophile.

…anyway, when Rep. Jackson-Lee did that, I was silent.

When Rep. Jackson-Lee referred the legislation to the House Foreign Affairs committee, I was silent. Continue reading Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D) and two House Resolutions.

IMAO made Snopes!

Like Jim Treacher, I’m jealous: hate mail is all very well (and I retain some hope of getting my own hate site some day, or at least one for RedState that can meet our actually fairly demanding criteria), but having to have to have…

Yes, I think that’s grammatical.

…anyway, when Snopes has to put out an advisory on your site’s satire piece, You Have Officially Arrived On The Internet.  Although, personally?  I’m always going to think that Nuke the Moon was robbed.


Crossposted to RedState.

Wow. They’ve *finally* released GURPS Vorkosigan.

Well, OK, they’re calling it the Vorkosigan Saga Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game for GURPS Fourth Edition (official webpage here), but a lot of us in the gaming community have been waiting for this supplement for an appreciable fraction of a decade now.  Still only in electronic form for right now, but I can hold out for the print version.  I sort of have to: that’s half a month’s ‘pay’ for me.

If you’re wondering what a ‘Vorkosigan’ is… well. Start here and work your way through; there’s some background on Lois Masters Bujold here.  Nobody will judge you for your lack, I swear.

Murtha (D, PA-12) client indicted for taking kickbacks.

Plus: a look at one of his possible general election opponents.

(Via The American Thinker, via Instapundit) The bolded part is the part that you want your eyes to linger over.

Ex-contractor with Murtha ties charged over kickbacks

Federal prosecutors in Pittsburgh have charged a former executive for a defense contractor with ties to Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) with taking nearly $200,000 in kickbacks from a subcontractor.

Richard Ianieri, former president and CEO of Coherent Systems International Corp., is accused of accepting the kickbacks from a subcontractor identified only as “K” in court documents filed Monday. The charges came in the form of a criminal information, an indication that Ianieri is working with prosecutors and plans to plead guilty.

As you might remember from the Rezko trial – and that saga isn’t over yet; it’s just still in its Blagojevich phase – these kind of cases take time to build up and play out; so now is the time that you’d be wanting to see the first corruption cases go down.  Is Murtha involved?  That’s an interesting question… and, given that this is the first election cycle since 2002 where the man has had a primary challenger, the answer to that is probably of interest to more people than myself, or even the rest of the Republican party.

As to opponents in the general: it’s been reported (and assumed) that Bill Russell’s planning on another shot at this seat; and there’s also Tim Burns.  Local businessman, looks decent on the issues, not notably involved in blatant acts of federal money patronage and unashamed pork-barrel appropriations; all in all it would make for a refreshing change.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

McArdle, Suderman to wed.

Megan is from the Atlantic; Peter is from The American Scene; James Joyner of Outside the Beltway breaks the story; Stacy McCain of The Other McCain takes the credit; and I shall avoid making any heavy-handed libertarian/fiscal references.  Heck, I won’t even speculate if they’re going to start a group blog in a couple of years.

Mazal tov.

Moe Lane

PS: What?  Nope, not Jewish; just from New Jersey.  It’s what we say.

Crossposted to RedState.