I’m not going to come up with a ‘props’ pun.

(via @JTlol) Suffice it to say that the administration’s ‘town halls’ are about as free-form as a sestina.  And before anybody asks: I am not going to spend the morning writing thirty-nine rhyming lines of poetry that has as its subject this administration’s lack of willingness to face criticism.  It doesn’t amuse me enough to do it for free and I don’t see anybody with their checkbooks out.
Continue reading I’m not going to come up with a ‘props’ pun.

Camille Paglia has no buyer’s remorse.

But the day is young.

Which should relieve the administration, given what she might have written if she did:

…I must confess my dismay bordering on horror at the amateurism of the White House apparatus for domestic policy. When will heads start to roll? I was glad to see the White House counsel booted, as well as Michelle Obama’s chief of staff, and hope it’s a harbinger of things to come. Except for that wily fox, David Axelrod, who could charm gold threads out of moonbeams, Obama seems to be surrounded by juvenile tinhorns, bumbling mediocrities and crass bully boys.

Case in point: the administration’s grotesque mishandling of healthcare reform, one of the most vital issues facing the nation. Ever since Hillary Clinton’s megalomaniacal annihilation of our last best chance at reform in 1993 (all of which was suppressed by the mainstream media when she was running for president), Democrats have been longing for that happy day when this issue would once again be front and center.

But who would have thought that the sober, deliberative Barack Obama would have nothing to propose but vague and slippery promises — or that he would so easily cede the leadership clout of the executive branch to a chaotic, rapacious, solipsistic Congress? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom I used to admire for her smooth aplomb under pressure, has clearly gone off the deep end with her bizarre rants about legitimate town-hall protests by American citizens.

Continue reading Camille Paglia has no buyer’s remorse.

Acticons / Neil Stevens, revisited.

Caleb put up another version of his Acticons post here, and I wanted to highlight this link to Neil Stevens’ own tip jar [FIXED!].  Neil does a whole lot of work for the Online Right; work that lets me have a soapbox from which to declaim.  Without him and folks like him, our communication is limited to how loud we can shout.

In other words, the infrastructure people need the help, too.

Well, that’s one way to stay on a strict shooting schedule.

Via @jaketapper, the story that you always knew that you’d read some day.

SAO PAULO, Brazil – In one murder after another, the “Canal Livre” crime TV show had an uncanny knack for being first on the scene, gathering graphic footage of the victim.

Do I really need to keep going?

Too uncanny, say police, who are investigating the show’s host, state legislator Wallace Souza, on suspicion of commissioning at least five of the murders to boost his ratings and prove his claim that Brazil’s Amazon region is awash in violent crime. Police also have accused Souza of drug trafficking.

The ironic bit is, of course, that you could throw a script around this concept and sell it to any number of crime drama television shows in a heartbeat*.  Hell, take away the murders and the drugs and you’ve got a Scooby-Doo episode.

Well, maybe just take away the murders.

Moe Lane

*Except Law & Order: Infinite Regress. Too much work adding the three plot twists and twp places where they complain about New York judges.

Rep. Bishop, Boswell having health care meetings allllll the way over *there*.

[UPDATE] Welcome, Michelle Malkin readers.

Tim Bishop (D, NY-01) is having something called a “health care reform rally” on Thursday, at (of all things) SEIU’s Hicksville NY offices (1199 Duffy Ave, starts at 1 PM). This is otherwise known as “over twenty miles outside the borders of NY-01.” Bishop is of course one of the first Democrats holding down a Red district (NY-01 is a R+0) to discover that his constituents are paying attention to his votes: he rather famously canceled his future in-district meetings. Presumably he assumes that his constituents won’t drive twenty miles to complain.

Meanwhile, Leonard Boswell (D, IA-03) has at least decided to stay in-district for his “health care listening post” – barely.  Although his district includes Des Moines, Boswell has instead decided to travel 80 miles east this week to the Sigourney Public Library (Thursday, 2 PM).  He won’t be actually having any meetings on the subject in the Des Moine area (where the vast majority of his constituents live) for another two weeks.  Still, at least he’s having them; apparently being D+1 can make the difference between in and out of district.

Neither one of these two Congressmen are freshmen, and neither were considered to be hardline liberals before this Congress.  And both of them are clearly not interested in facing their constituents just quite yet.  Very interesting, that.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Hey, Freedomworks has a mailbag!

Or at least an answering machine.  It looks like the folks over at MoveOn.org and the AFL-CIO decided to send some calls over to FreedomWorks, and with the usual result: slurs, profanity, sexual obsession, histor… actually, there is a lot of sexual obsession in the sample phone calls that Freedomworks have posted; it’s kind of interesting, actually. Anyway… historical inaccuracies, and of course everyone’s favorite: threats of violence.

In other words, pretty much par for the course.  We get sent this stuff all the time, over at RedState.  Heck, I get sent this stuff on a fairly regular basis here, and I blog about zombies.

ActiCons is having a pledge drive.

Its owner, our own Caleb Howe (who some of you can thank for having such a good time at the RS Gathering, among quite a few other things) raises a good point; we’re on our own when it comes to funding conservative investigative blogging. Heck of a thing, but there it is – and while it may make us lean and mean, it mostly makes us lean.

So give him a hand. Particularly if you’re an conservative billionaire looking to give the current party running Congress the shakes, shivers, and galloping staggers.

Moe Lane

PS: Me? Go buy something on Amazon. It’s my only revenue stream these days.

Crossposted to RedState.

[UPDATE] : Caleb has emailed me to argue that I should be doing the same for my site, as well.  Do I need it?  Well…  probably, yes. The ‘new’ laptop’s refurbished and apparently doesn’t like most flavors of wi-fi; the videocam’s too old to be compatible with Vista; my digital recorders can’t directly plug into computers; I edit my videos using Windows Movie Maker; and I am taking my life into my hands every time I use the family camera on one of these jaunts.

I don’t complain about this stuff to my readers, mostly because it feels like whining – but there it is.  I use a kit that’s been slapped together through scrounging, spare Amazon.com gift certificates and some timely donations, and I think that everybody else on the Right trying to do activism has the same bloody problem.

[Further UPDATE]: And let’s not even discuss the loss that Neil is taking in hosting this site.

Sen Dorgan (D, ND)… well, he’s ducking and covering on health care.

There’s no way to sugar-coat it, although Dorgan’s certainly trying.  If his town halls are all going to be like this one:

Dorgan will be at the fire hall for only an hour, so there won’t be a lot of time for questions, Pyle said.

…then yes, he is in point of fact ‘worried.’ As well he should be: Ramussen’s new numbers are out, and they are really, really pretty.  At least, from the point of view of folks who are against health care rationing. Continue reading Sen Dorgan (D, ND)… well, he’s ducking and covering on health care.