A five year anniversary.

I have been reminded by fellow RedState Contributor bs that today is the fifth anniversary of a whale explosion in Taiwan.  This is not the same as the Great Exploding Whale Fiasco of 1970:

…this one was merely due to the prosaic methods of natural decay. Nonetheless, it happened five years ago today, so remember it in whatever way pleases you.

Save for the use of high explosives.

Air Pirates!

It’s a webcomic called Kitty Hawk, and it looks nicely pulpy. It’s also just getting started, so there’s not the usual “five million pages of backstory to get through first” to worry about. Although that may not be a selling point.

Moe Lane

PS: I should note that Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is probably the best pulp-evocative movie that we’ve had recently, and that Adventure! still does the best job at recreating pulp-era adventures for roleplaying games.  I welcome arguments otherwise.

Aww: Buckley the Lesser feels bad about how they booed Bush.

Buckley the Lesser can… stay right where he is.

No, I will not link directly to the man – I suggest that you go to the Daily Beast main page via this article by Richard Cohen on the endlessly funny Kennedy-Paterson New York meltdown, or even this one by Tucker Carlson, and go look it up there – but I will tell you that he apparently “winced” at the way that his fellow Obama supporters urinated on the Inauguration ceremony by booing the former President. Let’s just get this out of the way: to every Obama supporter feeling similar “discomfort”?

Sit down, make yourself comfortable, and have a nice cup of Shut The Fuck Up*. Your embarrassing comrades-in-Obama booed and taunted former President Bush because they were carefully taught over the last eight years to do so. You taught them to do this – or, in the case of Buckley the Lesser and his ilk, you joined the company, gratefully, of those that taught them to do this. And your “remorse” is a contemptuously empty gesture until such time as you back it with actions that would prevent such things from happening in the future. Which you will, of course, not do: after all, some day there will be another Republican in the White House.

Much more simply: the people who booed were at least honest in their hatred. You are not.

And we can tell. Quite easily, in fact.

Moe Lane Continue reading Aww: Buckley the Lesser feels bad about how they booed Bush.

White House of the Gifted.

(Via Glenn Reynolds) Smoothness. Professionalism. Competence.

Fire alarms.

Shortly after 4 p.m., the stench of smoke began filtering back to the press booths in the White House.


None other than Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton who — on his third day in the White House — was still having a little trouble working the door.

Trying to get into the briefing room from the outside, Burton inadvertently short circuited the electronic door opener, causing small plumes of smoke to fill into the inside of the briefing room.

Crossposted on RedState.

If this is how NY liberals are feeling, we’re going to have fun in 2010.

Wow.  I haven’t commented about Maureen Dowd in ages.  There’s this entire nostalgia vibe going on here.

For those who don’t feel like risking the SAN/Intelligence loss that can come from reading one of Dowd’s columns, let me summarize: I like Blagojevich more than I like Paterson, because Blagojevich is clearly insane – do you hear that, Illinois voters? Insane – and Paterson did my friend Marquise Caroline Kennedy-Schlossberg wrong by not picking her right away.  That let the awful, awful Clintons destroy the chances for the best choice for the NY Senate, and never mind all those Republicans out there who were revving their chainsaws and grinning evilly.  I hope that they primary that gun-loving, bailout hating Gillibrand – and that they primary that adulterous, drug-using governor, too!  That’ll show ’em.

OK, I may have added a little subtext there, but really: the title is “Whose Governor is wackier?” and everything (via Hot Air Headlines).  That tells you something right there. Continue reading If this is how NY liberals are feeling, we’re going to have fun in 2010.

Two signs of the Times.

(Whoops! Via AoSHQ)

Yes, I should be forgiven for the pun.

The first “sign” is a bit of a stretch for the pun: it’s a reference to “No Snickering: That Road Sign Means Something Else,” which is a pretty good filler article about some of the now-embarrassing place and road names that you can find in England (or, probably, any country that has a past*). I am far too refined to mention any of those names; suffice it to say that a good deal of the article revolves around slightly mortified people saying things like “It’s pronounced ‘PENNIS-tun,’ actually.” Not precisely news, but it’s not like they put it on the front page.

The second “sign” is something that I noticed in the online version: they linked the two books mentioned (Rude Britain and Rude UK) in the article to their Amazon.uk listings – presumably using either the author’s or their their Amazon Associates ID in order to get their cut.  At least, that’s what I’d do; in fact, that’s what I just did.  So obviously I’m not complaining about that.  It’s a courtesy service.

You know what else is a courtesy service?  Linking to websites and blogs that you mention in the online version of your newspapers and magazines.  It’s easier than adding an Amazon listing to your article, and Amazon makes it pretty darn easy to do that these days.

Moe Lane Continue reading Two signs of the Times.