Susan Boyle when she’s got a production studio behind her.

Via Bob Krumm, via Glenn Reynolds who has some interesting observations about how she’s like the Tea Party thing – but first things first. Dag, but that’s pretty singing there. I expect that the charity CD that’s it’s from is going to get re-released in the very, very near future.

Moe Lane

PS: Amazon isn’t wasting any time.

Crossposted to RedState.

Yes, yes, yes: Snakes on a Plane!

Everybody in the world will be referencing Snakes on a Plane for this story, apparently.

Baby Pythons Escape on Passenger Plane

April 16, 2009 — Four baby pythons escaped from a container aboard a passenger plane in Australia, leading to a search that forced the cancellation of two flights, the airline said Thursday.

Personally, I feel sort of sorry for the snakes: there isn’t any particular harm in a Stimson python, apparently.  For an Australian species, that’s actually pretty impressive.

Nick Gillespie on Obama’s Vision Deficit.

This entire rant by Nick Gillespie of Reason Hit & Run is a thing of beauty… but, alas, full of rough language. This paragraph is relatively repeatable in polite company (H/T Instapundit):

And now this morning, Obama was on the tube again, yapping about traffic jams. What the hell is going on here? The president of the freaking United States is talking about traffic jams? Then again, in grammar school we did all learn that part of George Washinton’s Farewell Address where he warned against entangling alliances and the dread menace of highway jughandles and traffic circles. That Obama’s big solution is, ta-da!, “high-speed rail” is simply one more sign that he is simply not serious about anything other than paying off 19th and 20th century legacy special interests. I look forward to tomorrow’s press conference, when Obama trains his laser-beam brain on the question of whether Razzles is a candy or a gum.

…although there’s certainly more in there*. Nick’s in full-fledged rant mode, and while he’s obviously primed mostly to go off on the President he’s not sparing of his libertarian colleagues, particularly the ones that decided that a Illinois Democrat was a compelling libertarian alternative to an Arizona Republican in this election. Which was, really, very silly. I’m sorry to say that, but it’s true. Putting Obama in the White House meant that this guy doesn’t have a veto pen looming over him. Putting Obama in the White House meant further empowering a political party that doesn’t care if your dishes are clean. Putting Obama in the White House means that we’re about to get the organic food industry gutted in the name of regulation. And putting Obama in the White House means this happened:

Continue reading Nick Gillespie on Obama’s Vision Deficit.

I believe that the technical term for this is ‘Satanism FAIL.’

What’s Yiddish for “You’re doing it wrong?”  I don’t actually speak the language: I merely know the vocabulary words required for all residents by New Jersey state law*.

Via The Sundries Shack, who – less cruelly than I – did not mention the exceptionally poor grammar and spelling of everybody involved.  Including the critics.

Moe Lane

*Note: this law may not exist.

Crossposted to RedState.

Sometimes I have to wonder about Ed Anger.

That’d be Ed Anger of the Weekly World News, of course: anyway, he’s had a pitch-perfect imitation going of a caricature of a conservative (not the same thing as a pitch-perfect imitation of a conservative, of course) for some time now, and that’s all right, really. He can keep it under control. I can handle Stephen Colbert; I can handle Ed Anger. Only… every so often he mentions something like Tax Freedom Day – a topic that a certain segment of the partisan spectrum hates even mentioning.

It does make you wonder which direction the satire is pointed at, sometimes.

Moe Lane

PS: Oh, wow. Paratabloids: Poems Inspired by Headlines From the Weekly World News: that would almost be worth buying a Kindle 2 for alone.

Although the question is moot.

Military Motivator now at Blackfive.

My buddy Cam (who went with me to the DC Tax Party thing to act as general hanger-outer-with and backup, in case the counter-demonstrators got stroppy*) mentioned to me that Blackfive had picked up all rights to use Military Motivator from the guy who originally did it.

I liked this one:


The tag is here.

Moe Lane

PS: Also, do Marines have indelible ink on their foreheads or something that only another Marine can see? Cam kept finding other Marines all day.

*They didn’t. Heck, they stayed as invisible as possible.

Jan Schakowsky (D, IL-09) loves her tax fraud.

I assume, at least.  There’s no indication that their marriage is in trouble.

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Instapundit readers. No, I don’t think that we’re very squashable, either.

I agree with Glenn Reynolds that Rep Schakowsky’s comments about the Tea Parties (‘despicable’ and ‘shameful’) were ‘pathetic.’ I also agree that the fact that she’s married to a convicted tax fraud (not to mention, Huffington Post writer) to be ‘ironic.’  But I’d like to add one:

Utterly Typical: “The husband of an Illinois congresswoman was sentenced to five months in prison Wednesday. Robert Creamer is married to US Representative Jan Schakowsky. He was convicted on charges of writing bad checks and tax evasion.”

Why do people like Creamer think that they can get away with tax evasion? Because when you’re married to a Democratic Congresswoman, very often you can. That’s because people like Schakowsky don’t think that the rules apply to them. Which is her problem with the Tea Parties, really: the people involved with them have a distinctly different opinion, and they aren’t the sort that get amused with the argument that social justice sometimes requires bank fraud. Best to try to squash them quick.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.