Hey, remember the Bush “miserable failure” Googlebomb?

Guess what happened when we switched Presidents Tuesday?

Yup, it’s now triggering Obama.  At least on Yahoo; Google fixed this problem a while back, although if I understand this fellow correctly Obama’s bio is going to be increasingly linked with “failure” until everything’s resolved.  There’s a certain air of “the President’s tech team should have been on top of this:” I dunno if that’s fair.  At any rate, Google’s going to go back in and fix this again – probably with the help of the aforementioned tech team.

And that’s pretty much the point of this post: I just felt like pointing out that if you played Googlebombing games with Bush’s name, congratulations: you’ve helped ensure that the Obama administration has more, fairly tedious work to do.

Have a nice day!

Crossposted at RedState.

Chris Matthews: Sarah Palin is illiterate.

I’m going to bet that the talking head wouldn’t have said that about a man.

Allahpundit cannot believe that the talking head is sufficiently mind-numbingly stupid so as to say that Governor Sarah Palin can’t read on national television:

…Allahpundit, despite his dour demeanor, is surprisingly willing to believe the best of people at times. I respect that: but the Politico is under no such illusions about the talking head’s meaning, and neither am I. The talking head has notoriously taken sides with regard to the new administration, and in the final analysis I don’t see where there’s much difference whether that the talking head is malicious, or whether it is simply a fool.

Either way, I think that decent people should start reassessing their need to appear on the talking head’s program. Or their need to watch it.

Crossposted at RedState.

At this rate, they’ll be doing something almost perceptible…

…to subatomic particles by the time that I’m dead:

Teleportation Milestone Achieved

Scientists have come a bit closer to achieving the “Star Trek” feat of teleportation. No one is galaxy-hopping, or even beaming people around, but for the first time, information has been teleported between two separate atoms across a distance of a meter – about a yard.

This is a significant milestone in a field known as quantum information processing, said Christopher Monroe of the Joint Quantum Institute at the University of Maryland, who led the effort.

Continue reading At this rate, they’ll be doing something almost perceptible…

“I won.”

Indeed, you did.

No argument from me: you won.

In fact, let the record show that your official response to the GOP’s offer of assistance and advisement was “I won.”

So, it’s all yours. Your responsibility, your obligation, your reputation on the line. Not ours: yours.

Because, after all, you won.

Crossposted at RedState.

Go down swinging, Rod Blagojevich.

“And if it means I have to sacrifice myself to a higher cause, for the people of Illinois and for the principle of due process and the right to call witnesses, then so be it,”

For great justice.

CHICAGO — Illinois’ embattled but defiant governor, so fond of reciting poetry as he defends himself against federal corruption allegations, has turned instead to the history books to describe the emotional strain his arrest put on him and his family.

In an interview Thursday with The Associated Press, Gov. Rod Blagojevich compared his early morning December arrest by FBI agents to Japan’s 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor.

He says it was a “complete surprise” but he’ll prevail, just like America in World War II.

Continue reading Go down swinging, Rod Blagojevich.

I wonder if Turtledove & Zabel will ever finish this?

“This” being the alternate history book WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENT: The Impeachment & Trial of John F. Kennedy, Written by Harry Turtledove & Bryce Zabel, which postulates as its divergence point the failed assassination of JFK. They’ve got three chapters up at the site, and it looks like a pretty good story – but there hasn’t been any action on this for almost two years, which seems a shame. Harry Turtledove‘s a master at the genre, and we’re about due for some serious reexamining of the Kennedy era.

Hey, aren’t we supposed to have a Secretary of Commerce?

OK, I understand that it was completely unexpected* that Gov Bill Richardson (D-NM) (and author of the book Leading by Example**) might have been caught up in pay-for-play shenanigans, but he dropped out January 4th. That was over two weeks ago: why are they still vetting people? Didn’t they have a backup?

You’d think that they would have had a backup for Commerce, given that we’re in the middle of one thoroughly messed-up economy. What if Richardson had been hit by a bus, or something?

Moe Lane
Continue reading Hey, aren’t we supposed to have a Secretary of Commerce?

OK, folks: place your bets!

As we all know, the President decided to not Executive Order the Mexico City policy out of existence yesterday – can’t imagine why, at all, at all – but today is another day, and the betting is that he’ll get around to it Real Soon Now. So the real question is, when? Does he do it first thing in the morning and get it over with, or does he do it just in time for it to miss the Friday night news?

Hey, this is actually an important question: this is going to be the first thing he does in office that is guaranteed – absolutely, completely, and unquestionably – going to bother a significant hunk of the people who voted for him. How he handles it is going be… ah, diagnostic.

Moe Lane

PS: Notice that I’m doing President Obama the courtesy of assuming that he has at least as much spine as President Bill Clinton did.

PPS: That being said, if I was a betting man I’d be betting for somewhere around 4:45 PM.

Crossposted at RedState.