Well, George Karl certainly couldn’t be a *professional* socialist.

I don’t normally cover sports – particularly basketball, which is a fine game to play, if not to watch – but when I get forwarded this comment by Denver Nuggets head coach George Karl about the NBA’s quote-unquote ‘Green Week’:

Karl said. “I think it’s a great week. I’m an amateur socialist, I’m going green.

…and I see that the man is currently under an extension option for a $3 million/year contract, I’m pretty much require to say: dude, this socialism thing?

You’re doing it wrong.

Crossposted to RedState.

PS: Crass commercialism alert; if you like the site, by all means hit the tip jar. I got a laptop that needs replacing.

The Democrats’ budget has passed. [UPDATED]

It is now theirs, with no ambiguities and/or caveats. They own it all.

I’ve received word that the Senate passed our current budget monstrosity 55-43. No Republican defections: we picked up Bayh and Nelson of Florida Nebraska [my bad!]. Earlier, the House version passed 233/196 with no Republicans voting for it, 20 Democrats voting against it, with supposed fiscal conservatives (and European junketeers) Charlie Melancon (LA-03) and Bart Gordon (TN-06) singled out for special ridicule as being part of the group of Blue Dogs that signed off on a 3.6 trillion dollar budget. In short, the GOP Held The Line again.

This, by the way, despite a whopping 214,000 signatures gathered by the Democrats in support of the budget: as the Washington Post rather gleefully noted [H/T: Instapundit], the stenographers over at CNN and Huffington Post duly wrote down the 642K number quoted without asking how many duplicates. It turns out that they counted each signature three times.

Continue reading The Democrats’ budget has passed. [UPDATED]

From the ‘Endorsements the White House Doesn’t Want’ files.

Before you ask, I’m amused, not incensed:


Via the indispensable Barack Obama’s Teleprompter’s Blog.

Primarily because I never had to worry that individuals like this would use my political faction’s rhetoric and, you know, mean it.  There’s something relaxing about knowing that every group of utter scoundrels in Western civilization still left unhung hate you and everything that you stand for; in fact, it’s invigorating.  I sincerely hope that the Obama administration finds itself in the same situation Real Soon Now.

Crossposted to RedState.

Blue Dogs feeling betwixt and between.

The poor things.

In the process of reading “Centrist Dems: Dogged If They Do, Dogged If They Don’t” by Froma Harrop (short version: pity the poor Blue Dog Democrats; the Left wants them to fall into line behind the progressives and the Right wants them to actually act as if fiscal conservatism meant something), I noticed this particular passage.

And Blue Dogs hold undisguised contempt for recent Republican conversions to fiscal rectitude. [Rep. Paul] Ryan’s appeal “to help us defeat this unprecedented taxing, borrowing and spending spree” drew a tart response from Louisiana Rep. Charlie Melancon.

“These statements come from the same individuals who wrote the president a blank check for eight years, driving spending to the highest levels in our country’s history,” said Melancon, a co-chair of the Democratic Blue Dog Coalition.

It struck me as an… odd reaction. Continue reading Blue Dogs feeling betwixt and between.

Tanjit, I was hoping for the Squeez Bacon.

I mean, OK, I can see why lots of people might actually want to buy the Tauntaun Sleeping Bag that ThinkGeek mocked up for April Fool’s Day: I can also understand why TG might look upon this notion with stereotypical dollar signs in their eyes.  But bacon from a squeeze bottle is marketing gold, friends. I would buy that stuff so fast it’d make your head spin.

And then I’d make sure my wife never, ever found out.

Via AoSHQ‘s headlines.

Well, my Final Four for Deceiver Madness…

…I got two out of four, which is at least better than the guy running it. Of the existing four, it’s going to be Al Gore against PETA, and Al Gore’s going to destroy them the way that he destroys polar bears, and they destroy household pets.  I’ve got a good feeling about this; mind you, I thought that Tom Cruise and Barack Obama were going to make it this far…

Newest tool for educators: Jimi Hendrix.

“Hey,” said Garcia. “We’re in San Francisco.”

Don’t get me wrong.  I spent quite a lot of time listening to Jimi Hendrix at high volume in college: …but that was when I was in the dorm room. A little weird to bring that spirit into the classroom, no?

There was a time when teachers would freak at the sound of Jimi Hendrix’s “Purple Haze” or “Stone Free.” Now the San Francisco school district wants them to get in the spirit.

(Via Joanne Jacobs) I mean, come on. Drug overdose. You have to expect that people are going to bring that particular life decision up when it comes time to discuss what the man had to teach us about existence.
Crossposted to RedState.

Blagojevich to be indicted today.

Brought to my attention by Riehl World View. The best part? This:

Sources: Blagojevich indictment today

The U.S. attorney’s office in Chicago says that later today it is announcing developments in a “significant criminal matter.” Sources familiar with the situation said the announcement is expected to be the indictment of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich and others on corruption charges.

Bolding mine. “And others.” That has such a fun ring to it, don’t you think?

Crossposted to RedState.