Which explains why there’s umpteen billion examples of his work online.
Anybody got a favorite that they wouldn’t mind seeing for a while?
Which explains why there’s umpteen billion examples of his work online.
Anybody got a favorite that they wouldn’t mind seeing for a while?
I was sent an email on this Star Wars photoshop contest (supposedly the link’s on Fark). Some pretty good, some not so much. This one is probably the best so far:
I’d like to note for the record that the original has always kind of haunted me. Something about the endless Friday night at 3 AM that it represents. This, on the other hand, does not.
After a closely-contested fight, he did so on the sixth ballot.
You may remember him from his 2006 Senate bid:
He loves puppies.
In response to this story about how supposedly Senator Nelson of Nebraska had called in Senator Corker of Tennessee to try to get a “bipartisan solution” (read: “Republican cover”) for the Democrats’ debt bill, Sen. Corker’s office contacted Instapundit with the following:
UPDATE: A Corker spokesperson emails: “As I’ve told Fox, we were invited late yesterday to a meeting in Sen. Ben Nelson’s office and were surprised to learn by reading the news this morning that by accepting the invitation we had joined a gang. That’s not accurate and we did not attend the meeting.”
I repeat. The Democrats own this one. Because you won, remember?
Crossposted at RedState.
Continue reading James Clyburn’s (D, SC-06) timeline for withdrawal.
First this, to put you in the mood:
…then check these out.
Roll on, May.
Moe Lane
PS: Please, God, don’t let it suck.
I’d like to bring to your attention The New Ledger, which is a new online site analyzing politics, the market, and the news. It’s been started up by a couple of friends of mine (and former colleagues from RedState), and a look at the masthead may reveal a few more names that would be familiar to RS readers. They’ve also set up a Transom feature on the site which will link to various interesting news stories.
There’s some good, solid writing talent on that site: I suggest that you check them out. I expect that it’ll be a regular stop for me.
I do not know where to begin in excerpting “Cracked Officially Starts Feeling Sorry for MAD Magazine:” I’m not sure that I can, effectively. In some ways, it feels like a situation where wiseass killeth wiseass in a narrow, dusty room – that just happens to have a webcam in it to record the gory details. And they are gory. Gory, deliberately puerile, and hysterically funny.
But not to be a killjoy about this: remember that Silverlock quote I made yesterday? The one about rubbing dung in people’s hair? Yeah, you guys may have pushed the line with the “horse money” bit. People get touchy about not having horse money.
I would like to thank both the President of the United States of America, and the liberal Democratic group Americans United for Change, for their plans to remind three critical swing states that the Democratic Party is pushing a debt package that only 42% – and dropping – of the country believes in, and that a majority of independent voters oppose. But there’s something even odder about this strategy: Continue reading Yes, Mr. President. You won. How’s your debt bill coming along?