#rsrh QotD, Krugman Being… Krugman edition.

It’s always entertaining to watch somebody like Paul Krugman demonstrate that he does not, in fact, know how to regulate his own comments section:

I’m not going to allow comments on this post, for obvious reasons.

I believe that the technical term for this is ‘epistemic closure.’

Via Hot Air Headlines.

Moe Lane

PS: I had more – mostly some technical observations on the proper way to regulate one’s comments section, coupled with a fully-justified sneer or two towards Lefty antiwar projector-types like Krugman – but, really, the better thing to do is not dwell on those poor unfortunates and instead offer up a prayer or two for the lost, and their loved ones.

#rsrh The Tenth Year.

This is the tenth year anniversary of the 9/11 atrocities; and it is also the first year that I cannot in fact engage in my usual habit of taunting the author of said atrocities by reminding him that he failed, because I am alive and free, and he is in hiding.  That is because Osama bin Laden is now dead and almost certainly in Hell*, and there is frankly nothing that I can do or say any longer that would make the slightest bit of difference with regard to his fate.  So – being reminded by a friend online – I have instead prayed for the souls of all those who were lost in that atrocities that day, and for all of those who have been lost since then keeping the rest of us safe from further atrocities, and for those people’s loved ones.

I think that this is a good thing to do.

Moe Lane

*There is always the chance of repentance.  God’s mercy is infinite; you just have to truly want to throw yourself on it.

Administration cuts and runs on NYC KSM trial.

(H/T: @andylevy) Amazing what one Senatorial election can do. Like, say, make a Presidential administration pay attention to local political concerns for a change.

The Obama administration has abandoned its plan to put Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, on trial in Lower Manhattan, according to administration officials.

The reversal marks the latest setback for an administration that has been buffeted at every turn as it seeks to close the military detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. And without the backdrop of Ground Zero for a trial, the administration will also lose some of the rich symbolism associated with its attempt to forge a new approach to handling high-value al-Qaeda detainees.

“New York is out,” said an administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the decision had not yet been officially announced. “We’re considering other options.”

Try Gitmo. The unilateralist, simplisme cowboy put them there in the first place for a reason, you know. In fact, he actually had a reason for pretty much everything he did…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

A bit… petulant to cut 9/11 health funding, no?

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Instapundit readers.

I mean, I get the central message: “Fine. You want me to cut spending? I’ll cut spending! I’ll show you! I’LL SHOW YOU ALL!”

The Obama administration stunned New York’s delegation Thursday, dropping the bombshell news that it does not support funding the 9/11 health bill.

The state’s two senators and 14 House members met with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius just hours before President Obama implored in his speech to the nation for Congress to come together and deliver a government that delivers on its promises to the American people.

So the legislators were floored to learn the Democratic administration does not want to deliver for the tens of thousands of people who sacrificed after 9/11, and the untold numbers now getting sick.

…but I have to point out – like Dana Loesch – that not all programs are created equal, either. This is like something out of an 80s sitcom:

Bringing Up Barry! (Tuesdays, 8 PM EST): When Barry gets in trouble at school for splurging the Chess Club’s entire budget on a pizza party, it’s up to John to talk to him about spending wisely. But Barry goes too far and hides with the school’s fuses to save money. Wacky hijinks ensue as Sarah tries to talk him out of the furnace room in time to save the Valentine’s Day dance!

Special Guest Star: Erik Estrada, as hip ‘rap’ DJ Ricky Mark.

Or something like that.

Moe Lane

PS: Really. This is how it’s coming across.

Crossposted to RedState.

I’m still here.

Eight years ago, somebody tried to kill me. And if you were in America at the time of the attacks, they tried to kill you, too. The people who committed that outrage made no secret of their desire to see us all dead; and I take them at their word. They hate and fear us, and they want us to die screaming. And they succeeded in killing far too many innocents.

Not much room for nuance there – and at seventh and last, there are two possible emotional reactions to that kind of hate; fear, or anger. I chose ‘anger.’ Because 9/11 was an outrage, not a tragedy.  And there’s not much else to say about that.

Except that I’m still here, and so are you.

Moe Lane

PS: Don’t bother giving a lecture on a Third Way: it doesn’t exist. Anger, or fear. Pick one.

Crossposted to RedState.

On the 9/11 National Day of Service issue.

Background here, with commentary here and here – the short version is that the administration is in the process of rebranding 9/11 as a National Day of Service.  Like one of Hot Air’s commenters, I note that 9/12 makes a good deal more thematic sense, but then everything that you really need to know about the actual intent can be seen, as usual, by some of the players involved:

A coalition including the unsavory left-wing pressure group Color of Change and about 60 far-left, environmentalist, labor, and corporate shakedown groups participated in the call. Groups on the call included: ACORN, AFL-CIO, Apollo Alliance, Community Action Partnership, Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, 80 Million Strong for Young American Jobs, Friends of the Earth, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, Mobilize.org, National Black Police Association, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, National Council of Negro Women, National Wildlife Federation, RainbowPUSH Coalition, Urban League, and Young Democrats of America.

Like Allahpundit over at HA, I have a somewhat less immediate reaction to this than either Michelle Malkin or Matthew Vadum, and it’s for this reason:


Continue reading On the 9/11 National Day of Service issue.

Sen Gillibrand (D-NY) gives the 9/11 Troofers some agitprop.

Tsk, tsk, Senator.

This only encourages them.

On the other hand, her party does have a problem with this sort of thing, and I guess that she may need the campaign contributions for next year after all – so now would be a good time to reach out to the base.

But really, madam: Infowars?

Moe Lane

PS: The New York Observer: “The video is already in wide circulation on 9/11 conspiracy web sites.”

I imagine that it must be.

Crossposted to RedState.

Greg Gutfield has exposed the 9/11 Conspiracy once and for all!

“Seriously, how much is Rosie O’Donnell paying you to say it’s the Jews?”

And – of course! – it’s in the last place you’d look:

Here’s how my very simple theory works: the common 9/11 truthers are – as a rule – unemployed, living at home, and nutritionally deficient due to a vigorously vegan diet. This gave them the free time, as well the depressed hostility (due to lack of animal protein) needed to plan the attacks. After the attacks, they were initially pleased that America mistakenly blamed bin Laden. But they also knew that, given time, after realizing the innocence of these young Islamic entrepreneurs, the scent of guilt would lead only to them.

Fiendish! Continue reading Greg Gutfield has exposed the 9/11 Conspiracy once and for all!