…OK, I cannot resist this one. *This* is master-level trolling of atheists.

The article lives up to the promise of the title (“Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke“):

WHILE MILITANT ATHEISTS like Richard Dawkins may be convinced God doesn’t exist, God, if he is around, may be amused to find that atheists might not exist.

Cognitive scientists are becoming increasingly aware that a metaphysical outlook may be so deeply ingrained in human thought processes that it cannot be expunged.

Continue reading …OK, I cannot resist this one. *This* is master-level trolling of atheists.

Quote of the Day, *Never,* Ever Ask For What You DESERVE edition.

I got no quarrel with any atheist who doesn’t have a quarrel with me or mine, but I have to push back on this:

“The Freethought Equality Fund will work to elect the nones … in addition to those who will work for our rights so we can finally have the representation in Congress we deserve,” said Maggie Ardiente of the American Humanist Association, at a Washington news conference Wednesday where the new PAC was rolled out.

Maggie, it’s been my experience that NOBODY based out of This Town would enjoy getting the representation in Congress that they deserve.  And I say this just as much about the groups that I happen to LIKE.

Via Hot Air Headlines.

Moe Lane

Again: Richard Dawkins is one reason why atheists can’t have nice things.

Good luck with that, fellas:

Richard Dawkins and Sean Faircloth are recruiting college students to photograph the homes of ministers as the two well-known atheist work to make a documentary they say they hope leads to the abolishment of tax exemptions for religious leaders in America.

Faircloth, author of “Attack of the Theocrats: How the Religious Right Harms Us All & What We Can Do About It,” encouraged hundreds of University of Colorado – Boulder students who attended his talk last week to photograph the homes of ministers and send them to him.

Then again, I suspect that Dawkins isn’t really an atheist.  Nobody sane would spend this much time hating Something that they don’t actually believe really exists.


Now this is what we call a public relations FAIL. #atheism

Basically, it boils down to this: if the only time that you ever hear of groups like the Council for Secular Humanism is when they say stuff like the following

“The Obama Administration has been criticized by secular humanists for backpedaling on then-candidate Obama’s campaign pledge to reverse Bush-era policies that provide federal funding to religious charities that discriminate in hiring,” said Tom Flynn, executive director of the Council for Secular Humanism and editor of its journal Free Inquiry. “But praying for rain[*]? That’s not just government entangling itself with religion, that’s government publicly practicing it, and wallowing in superstition.”

Continue reading Now this is what we call a public relations FAIL. #atheism

#rsrh Heather Mac Donald asks a question.

Background: she’s reacting badly to this story about an atheist schmuck named Damon Vix who gamed a Santa Monica town lottery for spaces for holiday decoration.  Said schmuck ended up with more than half the spaces, which he then proceeded to leave blank except for a sign insulting religions.

Heather asks:

Does every public dissent from faith, my own included, inevitably come off as equally unpleasant?

My answer is: No, but it’s only because believers make a good-faith effort to try to remember that not every atheist is like Damon Vix.  Which is a courtesy that people like Vix notoriously do not extend to believers.  Which is not really fair to Heather Mac Donald, but then so is Vix’s charming little exercise in applied schmuckery.

Exit question: anyone reading this willing to bet that going up to Damon Vix and casually saying the phrase “War on Christmas” would not guarantee you a twenty minute, utterly dead to irony, tirade on the topic?

(Link via… I’m not sure, actually.)

Moe Lane

PS: Note that I’m personalizing this most cruelly; that’s because I know that I have atheist/agnostic readers who would themselves like to smack people like Vix in the face with a halibut.

Actually, I don’t buy this “British Atheists…”

“…going after the Jedi” thing.  If for no other reason than that all the posts on the subject go back to one story that was aggregated over several different websites, and which appears to be based on one website which apparently is complaining that people are writing ‘Jedi’ on British census documents when they should be writing ‘atheist.’

Which is a shame, really.  Watching Richard Dawkins humiliate himself completely by having to debate some guy in a Norris Robe would have made my day.