The Mets-Braves game got pretty damned real in the last two innings. Dare I even say…
Tag: baseball
Tweets of the Day, We Stand In The Presence Of Greatness edition.
Of a sort.
Ladies and gentlemen, only two teams in major league baseball have lost 120 games. One of those teams still has several games left to play. We're setting generational records at this point. Let's enjoy the crapulence because it's all we're gonna get.
— Jeff Blehar is *BOX OFFICE POISON* (@EsotericCD) September 22, 2024
And the Mets are actually playing above .500 ball this year. …What sorcery is this?
Tweet of the Day, You Don’t See This On The Field Every Day edition.
In fact, you’ve never seen this before at all. One for the books.
Tweet of the Day, Dan’s Been Waiting A While For This Bon Mot edition.
I would, too. Sometimes the reason why you don’t want the door to hit them in the ass on their way out is because it’ll get in the way of your foot.
Tweet of the Day, Baseball Is Beautiful edition.
At least this was. Elly De La Cruz will never be able to get away with this again, though: there will be at least three people watching his every move for the rest of his professional career. And that includes the times when he’s not playing. You can’t be too careful.
Tweet of the Day, Crowdsourcing Truth To Power edition.
This amuses.
Someone on @baseballreddit was seated near MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred at tonight's World Series game, and agreed to scream the top comment from the thread at him. They delivered.
— RedditCFB (@RedditCFB) November 4, 2022
Via @HeartbreakRidge. Also, yes, they should cut way back on the blackouts. And a bunch of other stuff, but the dude only said he’d yell one thing and it’s impolite to presume on a promise.
So now we wait…
…to see if This Town goes insane. Top of the ninth, Washington ahead of Houston 4-2. If they win, it’s gonna be a fascinating night for law enforcement and emergency medical personnel around here. Friday might also end up being a federal holiday in DC, or something. Too close to call.
Gotta say, though: hell of a World Series, huh?
Quote of the Day, I Don’t Think Jackie Robinson Minded One Bit edition.
Nathan Wurtzel, on Mariano Rivera’s upcoming induction in the Baseball Hall of Fame (which was unanimous):
Continue reading Quote of the Day, I Don’t Think Jackie Robinson Minded One Bit edition.On April 15, 1997, Major League Baseball retired the uniform number 42 in honor of Jackie Robinson but allowed contemporary players wearing it to finish their careers without changing numbers. After 2003, Rivera was the lone player wearing 42 during his final 10 seasons, always understanding the responsibility he took on by volunteering to be the last man to wear the number. At the end of his career, he joined Robinson’s widow Rachel and daughter Sharon to unveil a plaque honoring Robinson at Yankee Stadium.
Tweet of the Day, This Is A Pretty Stupid Idea, MLB edition.
MLB to experiment with starting runner on 2nd in extra innings
— CBC Sports (@cbcsports) January 30, 2018
Continue reading Tweet of the Day, This Is A Pretty Stupid Idea, MLB edition.
How and Why you should learn to scruff a cat.
This is the best thing you'll see all day. #RallyCat #CardinalsNation #GoCards #STLCards
— 🇺🇸Hoops🇺🇸 (@novaxnomask) August 10, 2017
Here endeth the lesson.