Book of the week: Unseen Academials (Discworld)

And so, we go from Neil Gaiman’s Coraline to Terry Pratchett’s Unseen Academicals. No, it’s not out yet. But it will be, in about a month – which should be enough lead time for me to be able to splurge on the hardcover.

Hey, it’s Pratchett.

Book of the Week: erm.

It’s weird, actually: thanks to the generosity of a RedState reader I finally got around to reading Liberal Fascism (good book, but I knew most of it already; still, nice to have it collated) and I just snagged Hitler’s War today. I think that I’ve used both of them for Books of the Week, though, so recycling either wouldn’t really work.

Anybody have a suggestion of a good one?

Book of the Week: “You can do anything, Daddy.”

It being Father’s Day, we shall determinedly pick something much, much lighter than The Persian Night: Iran under the Khomeinist Revolution this time around. I have received for my Father’s Day present You Can Do Anything, Daddy, which is a children’s book that features robot gorilla pirates from Mars.

I am proud of the fact that my loved ones instinctively know that this sort of book is a perfect match for me. So: Book of the Week.

Moe Lane

Book of the Week: The Persian Night.

In tune with the generally-more-serious-than-I-personally-like kind of weekend that we’ve had here, we now replace Death from the Skies!: These Are the Ways the World Will End . . . with The Persian Night: Iran under the Khomeinist Revolution.  Personally, I’d have preferred something a bit less unfortunately pertinent to current events, but Michael Totten insists that people need to read this, and he’s one of the go-to new media guys on the region.

Moe Lane

Book of the Week: “Death from the Skies!”

And so we say goodbye to Victory of Eagles (Temeraire). With a title like Death from the Skies!: These Are the Ways the World Will End . . . would already be a shoo-in for Book of the Week – I’m the sort of person who enjoyed Pocket Guide To The Apocalypse: The Official Field Manual For The End Of The World – but this book has… friends.

Dun dun DUN!!!!!