Somebody asked me today what my favorite book was. And since I amended my answer to say, “Naomi Novik’s Scholomance series was the best fantasy fiction written in the last five years,” well. Here you go.
Moe Lane
Somebody asked me today what my favorite book was. And since I amended my answer to say, “Naomi Novik’s Scholomance series was the best fantasy fiction written in the last five years,” well. Here you go.
Moe Lane
GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is available in Kindle! At last. At long, long last…
Note: it is not fantasy and it is not cheerful. GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is a science fiction horror novel. You Have Been Warned.
I’ve thought about it for a bit, and I’ve decided: if I get a chance to have Tim Power sign one of his books at DoxaCon, it’s going to be DECLARE. I hope that, before I die, I will write a book as good as that one. …No, I do not lack for confidence. I’m not very good at false modesty, either.
The Third Crown, and Other Weird Tales is a collection of short stories by Paul Leone. I picked it up to read the stories set in the same universe as his good, and grim, In And Out of the Reich, but I liked the other ones, too. Also: Paul has a good book cover game. Not pointing fingers, but you can kind of tell when somebody’s taken the ‘Oh, don’t spend money on real cover art’ argument seriously. That’s not a problem here.
Karl K Gallagher combined his science fiction torchship pulp trilogy into… The Torchship Trilogy. Okay, yeah, that was obvious. Forgive me: my sleep patterns have been a bit off since Starfield came out. Anyway, they’re good books. Buy the trilogy.
I’m trying to encourage more sales of the FROZEN DREAMS audiobook. Why? So as to get the cash together to make an audiobook of TINSEL RAIN, of course. I unfortunately do not sell enough books on my own yet to justify whims. Which is a good thing, mind you. Whims are dangerous.
Decided to start up John Ringo’s BLACK TIDE RISING series again, from the start. Thus… UNDER A GRAVEYARD SKY. I also have an idea for a story in that universe, but I’m not well known enough yet to get away with writing it.
I’m gonna be reading a bunch of Tim Powers in the runup to Doxacon, probably. Starting with The Stress of Her Regard, which makes an alarming amount of sense as secret history. I mean, it’s about vampires! You don’t want it making historical sense at all!
As I have been making increasingly obvious over the last week, a story from the universe of GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND (“Tour of Duty”) can be found in my chapbook-with-illustrations COVENANTS. My biggest chapbook to date, too! I’ve been writing longer short stories lately.
Four tales of agreements! Follow along as MARIE VISITS THE CONTINENT, on a mission of delicacy, and monsters. Sally forth with Duchess Carlotta into a zombie-haunted world as she takes THE QUEST FROM CASTLE WINDERMERE. Go on a TOUR OF DUTY in the interstellar spaces between charnel worlds. And lastly, discover with our horrified narrator that, after long, long years… THE STARS ARE WRONG. Enjoy! (Four stories, fifty eight thousand words total, each with its own illustration.)
Moe Lane
I’d never heard of Claimed before Thursday, but my Lovecraft class brought it up. From the text: “One of [Gertrude Barrows] Bennett’s most famous novel[s], Claimed, narrates the tale of a supernatural artifact which summons an ancient and powerful god to early 20th century New Jersey. Augustus T. Swift called the novel, “One of the strangest and most compelling science fantasy novels you will ever read”).” …I admit: a description like that will pique my interest.