Civilization coming to Facebook. Yes, that’s why the vulture’s on your chair.

Well, it’s not like we needed a functioning society, anyway.  And the irony that it’ll fall because we’ll all be playing Civilization is not lost to me:

Civilization creator Sid Meier has confirmed that an online version of the popular strategy title is coming to Facebook.

Civilization Network will arrive on the social networking website next year. The game will emphasise cooperative play, allowing friends to share technology and form military alliances with one another.

“The game will offer everything you enjoy in Civ in a fully persistent environment – you can play as much as you like, whenever you like, and it’ll be free to play,” Meier wrote on its Facebook fan page.

Via the Backwards Compatible webcomic, which has already made… plans.

I am forced to admit that I signed up for this…

…but not because of Civony’s/Evony’s salacious advertising images (which have, indeed, become hysterically salacious in the last few weeks).  I actually like the Civilization series – so much so that I haven’t bought Civilization IV, because if I do, I don’t have a life for three months* – so the idea of a RT knockoff of it sounded cool.

Results? Meh.

Moe Lane

*This is also why I do not own a Wii. Alas, I do not have sufficient mojo in the blogosphere that buying me one (and thus wrecking my blogging for months) would be a smart move for my political opponents.