Tweet of the Day, Reid Has Gone Bye-Bye edition…

…and I’m not going to continue that joke, because there isn’t a Democrat in government who deserves to be allowed to stand in for Egon. Hell, I’m pushing the envelope by suggesting that one of ’em could be Ray.

I’m wondering whether Harry Reid’s just not going to run in 2016. This may be how a Senator looks when he’s losing whatever it is that keeps him from wearing his underpants on his head in public.

Via Twitchy, which has more. So much, much more.

Betsy Markey (D, CO-04) speaker is kind of… strange.

I had to cut this down quite a bit, but below is the highlight of a clip of former Energy and Transportation Secretary Frederico Pena, who apparently thinks that internment camps (presumably stuffed to the brim with Latinos) are in our future if Cory Gardner beats Betsy Markey in November.

Along the way, he gets the historical record fairly badly wrong.  Expanded text after the fold, but let me summarize my annotations to the clip real quickly: the exclusion laws targeted Chinese-Americans (they don’t actually all look alike, Pena); the GOP fought those laws; it was a Democrat who put Japanese-Americans in detainment camps; it was a Republican who apologized for those camps; there is a difference between enforcing immigration law regarding non-citizens and throwing American citizens into detainment camps; and the term for people who think that we’re about to have more detainment camps in our immediate future is ‘black-helicopter nut.’

Just saying.
Continue reading Betsy Markey (D, CO-04) speaker is kind of… strange.