They’re reportedly thinking of recasting/minimizing Amber Heard in AQUAMAN 2, and Ezra Miller is in the wind and evading a restraining order. Because, yeah, that’s not gonna have any effect on THE FLASH’s box office. …Look, I grew up on DC comics, okay? The Justice League was my jam. All of this is kind of embarrassing to watch.
Tag: dc comics
QotD, The Transcendant Cynicism Here Awes Me edition.
Jonathan Last, on DC Comics*:
Whether or not they understand it, DC’s corporate mission isn’t to get mainstream attention for its publicity stunts–or even to sell comic books. It’s to create characters and stories which can be mined for Warner Bros. for film. The publisher has, thus far, failed spectacularly at this task.
Pretty much, pretty much.
“The big question about DC is why their parent company continues to tolerate their failure.”…
— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) April 11, 2013
Moe Lane Continue reading QotD, The Transcendant Cynicism Here Awes Me edition.
I got one thing to say about this Occupy comic that DC Comics is doing.
Or, more accurately, this “Let’s crack the Occupy movement’s bones for the marrow!” comic that DC Comics is doing:
(H/T Hot Air)
[pause] Continue reading I got one thing to say about this Occupy comic that DC Comics is doing.