In the e-mail: Delta Green: Handler’s Guide.

Delta Green: Handler’s Guide is the GM guide for the Delta Green RPG itself; and when you’ve been a fan of the game for as long as I have, the updating of the backstory alone is going to be worth it. A lot of stuff has gone down in the Delta Green universe since the 1990s.  And, as would be appropriate for a Cthulhu Mythos game, things have gotten worse.  I have some fun Halloween reading to look forward to.

I was going to order this Delta Green patch, but now I don’t know.

There’s something about it that doesn’t appeal.  I mean, yes, it’s an asymmetrical design that’s supposed to be evocative of medieval ritual magical symbols (hidden as a government logo); and if I’m remembering my Latin right the motto is brutally honest for that game world. I get all of that.

But it’s still just a little unsettling.  Weird. Guess that they did their job properly with the design, huh?

Arc Dream has a bunch of Delta Green softcover RPG supplements up.

Found here.  I don’t think that they’re part of the $300 The New Age tier in the Delta Green Kickstarter; I got the impression at the time that the tier in question covered all the hardcover books that Arc Dream’s supposed to be publishing. That was and is a good deal, in my opinion, and I assume that these are print-on-demand softcovers that seem to be becoming pretty popular in the gaming world. PDFs are nice, but so are physical books.

So, if you’re a completist, check ’em out.  Alas, I have to budget for that sort of thing these days.  Then again, I did get the PDFs as part of my backing, so I’m hardly hurting for new stuff to read.

Tweet of the Day, I’ve Never Gotten Into Audiobooks… edition.

…but I know that people who read me do get into audiobooks.  And I did read and like Delta Green: Tales from Failed Anatomies. Heck, I’d hope that I would; I did the Kickstarter for it. So check this out.

Moe Lane

PS: I’ve actually wondered from time to time why I don’t get into audiobooks. Maybe I like going back and checking the text too much? It’s hard to do that with audio.  At least I perceive it as being hard.

Tweet of the Day, Successful #DeltaGreen Op On Atlanta’s I-20 edition.

They’re talking about a gas leak – or lack thereof – because a portion of Atlanta’s I-85 caught fire at the end of March (first picture below).  Ironically, that one was actually part of an Ordo Veritas veil-out.  OV and Delta Green tend to get along surprisingly badly, considering that they’re essentially in the same line of work…

Ooh, crossover adventures!  It’d be a memorable game.  And a short one, too.

Blasphemous Tomes: The Cernan/Evans Transcript (Annotated)

Blame this, and particularly this:


Blasphemous Tomes: The Cernan/Evans Transcript (Annotated)

[Delta Green/Call of Cthulhu]

Language: English; Mythos Gain: +1; SAN Loss: 0/1; Study Time: one week; Grants Skill Checks in: History and Occult

Continue reading Blasphemous Tomes: The Cernan/Evans Transcript (Annotated)

My @DeltaGreen Shotgun Scenario “Operation HAMSTER DIAMOND.”


Alas, it did not win the Delta Green 2016 Shotgun Scenario contest.  Heck, it didn’t even get a vote (I was competing, so I didn’t think that it was appropriate that I vote for mine).  There was a missing sentence at the end and I needed to tighten it up a bit here and there before putting it up now, so that’s fair.

Still, I think that it’s a workable Delta Green scenario, so here you go. Also, check out the entries in that link! Sure, they didn’t recognize my greatness: but there are certainly enough adventures there to fill a campaign…

Continue reading My @DeltaGreen Shotgun Scenario “Operation HAMSTER DIAMOND.”

Voting is now open on the Delta Green Fairfield Project Shotgun Scenarios contest.

Details found here and here.  Please note that the submissions are anonymous, and will continue to be so until after the voting is complete. If you decide to sign up to the Delta Green mailing list in order to vote – since I have a submission, I will not be voting – please respect all the rules.

Moe Lane

PS: All questions that attempt to determine my entry will be met with the same response: “No comment.”

The 2016 Delta Green Shotgun Scenario!

Heck yeah I’m doing it this year:

It’s time for the annual Delta Green Shotgun Scenario Contest!

As usual, the aim of this year’s contest is to write short scenarios. In keeping with the Man in Black’s original definition, mere scenario seeds are perfectly welcome, including evocative artifacts, species, themes and cults. Everyone is invited to participate and advertise.

Worth it for the bragging rights, although a gift certificate to DriveThruRPG is always welcome.  Effective 1,500 word limit; contest ends 12/10/2016.  I encourage folks here who know Delta Green to come up with something for it: the more the blasphemously gleeful gibbering their daemonical laughter at the ghost-haunted moon, is what I always say.