New DA:O DLC: ‘Golem of Amgarrak’?

That’s the word from the San Diego Comic-Con, at least: details here and here.  High-level dungeon crawl, apparently; I’ll need to tweak my Elven Mage/Arcane Warrior/Battlemage/Spirit Healer for full Things Go Boom Now effect.

It’s interesting to see the way that complaints about the DLC for Dragon Age: Origins change every single time a new one comes out.  I’m not used to the computer RPG social scene, oddly enough: this is the first game that really has had my wife and I aware of its larger online community.  We were trying to figure out why there was so much acrimony lurking in forums for corporate decisions about a game that nobody was being forced to buy, until we realized that said acrimony was mostly fueled by a general desire to complain

Moe Lane

PS: Mind you, Return to Ostagar should have been longer.

‘Warden’s Fall.’

Looks like a computer-generated series based on the popular (both on this blog, and in the outside world) Dragon Age: Origins video game. There’s two episodes so far: the second one is below.

I have to note: for a world with regular incursions of demonic hell-creatures out of the depths of the earth, the inhabitants seem distressingly ill-armed and trained.  I mean, what would have happened if my PC hadn’t shown up?

Besides Darkspawn Chronicles, of course.

Impressed not with this day of April Fools’, I am.

Just didn’t have the same oomph to it that it has had in the past.

On the other hand, I managed to finish both Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls (Quirk Classics: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies) and Dragon Age: Origins Awakening: the former was actually well put together as a story and the latter’s inevitable gameplay bugs did not overly infuriate (although my second run is going to wait for a patch).  That, plus the sunny and warm day, makes up for the lack of good japery this year, I suppose.

It’s a shame that I don’t know anybody at Bioware/EA.

They’d probably want to talk to my wife: she’s a long-time paper-and-paper roleplayer who does not play video games, but who has spent 100+ hours playing Dragon Age: Origins, with no regrets; and who would be going out and playing their other games if only we didn’t have two kids. I imagine that there’s at least three demographic sub-groups there that Bioware would like to target. I mean, sure, they know how to get me, but it’s not precisely hard

The ‘Buy Moe DA:O Awakenings’ Cheeky Fundraising Post.

Having just pointed out a worthy cause to throw money at, allow me to suggest a more or less unworthy one: to wit, making it possible for me to acquire Dragon Age: Origins Awakening with all indecent speed. It’s now on the Wish List, and the button below will go to my own (unworthy) bank account.

Hey, what do you want me to do? Lie?