Need an opinion on the DUTIES book cover. [UPDATED]

My wife suggested that I do an offset of the image, this time, because of the nature of the picture. What do you folks think? I could go with both.

UPDATE: She was thinking of something like this:

Which, admittedly, is a good deal better than what I thought she meant originally. Look, I just bang on the clicky-things until the words come out of the magic thought-box.

If you signed up for beta reading for DUTIES…

…it would be useful if you could finish up (or just send me what you got) by the end of the week. Once I have all the feedback I’m getting, I can put the Kindle together and get the whole thing ready for printing. Also: if time has cruelly, cruelly betrayed you, no worries. Time snuck up on me, too.

Starting up beta edits for DUTIES.

After that, it’s a pass-through, and then it’s time to put the book together. I should start the cover soon.

Anyway, the publishing schedule for DUTIES might slip a little. But I definitely should have it for Stellar Con. Besides, I’ll have TINSEL RAIN available for Fright Reads, which is really the important thing.

Moe Lane


So, I’ll be aiming for a September 2022 release for DUTIES.

I’m supposed to be getting the final art for the stories by the end of the week – subject to approval, of course, but the preliminary sketches looked fine – and I plan to spend the rest of this week getting the last story fixed up. I decided not to work on it today, because what I really need to do is read the whole thing and figure out what needs fixing. But once that’s done, actually writing it shouldn’t be too hard.

So if you’re interested in doing beta reading for these stories, now’s the time to sing out. I think that if I get it all squared away in two weeks, I can publish DUTIES and have it ready for one of the two book fairs I’m doing this fall. I’ll already have TINSEL RAIN to sell for the first time at Fright Reads, but having another chapbook by the Stellar Con would be nice, too. Assuming I can still get a table for that: my email decided to send a critical message to spam. Yay…

So it’s official-official: my next chapbook will be DUTIES.

It’s official-official because I put down the down payment for the art. I hope to have DUTIES ready for Fright Reads, because that’ll mean I’ll have two new things for that event (the other being TINSEL RAIN). But definitely by the end of the year!

So now I just have to buckle down and get that chapbook ready for the readers. Yay…

Moe Lane

PS: It has been not the best month or so for my motivation, alas. But it’s not like I have a clone to foist off writing duty on…


So, it looks like maybe I can get the next chapbook ready in time…

…to have it for FrightReads (tentative title: DUTIES). I’m talking to the artist now; she should have plenty of time to finish the art. So if I can revise the stories and get them beta-read in a timely fashion, Amazon can do the rest. And, if not: they’ll be ready for the next con. I definitely will be selling TINSEL RAIN at FrightReads, of course. Looking forward to it!


Getting some work done on DUTIES.

While I’m waiting for edits for TINSEL RAIN, I’d thought I’d work on the upcoming chapbook DUTIES. It’s the usual four-story job, and features some of my earlier work. Which means the stories have to be gone over, fixed up, and fleshed out more. Back when I started, I was struggling sometimes to hit 3K words on one of these. Now 8K is a much more reasonable goal.