This NRO post is being linked in a bunch of places, so let me add to the chorus: it’s depressing, but frightening in its possible prescience. Steyn’s point really does boil down to this: we don’t have the money, we’re not going to get the money any time soon, and our political class is running out of road on which they can kick this particular can.
Steyn does have the luxury of not having to operate inside the American political system, though. And while I know that it sucks to have to choose between ‘bad’ and ‘worse,’ history since January 2007 should show even the most rigorous partisan purist what happens when you let the American people get conned into choosing ‘worse.’ That we let them get conned is, of course, a personal failure on many people’s part, including mine: clearly those of us fighting in 2006 or 2008 were not influential enough or articulate enough or energetic enough back then to stop the avalanche.
Or perhaps we were just not numerous enough. One hopes that’s the answer, at least…
Moe Lane