‘If this guy had a different last name…’

It’s a significant point that I don’t actually have to tell conservative/Republican readers who GayPatriot is talking about: they would guess from the title alone that the subject is Jeb Bush. There are a lot of people out there who think that the wrong Bush ran in 2000*.

Personally, I’m not one of them – more accurately, when it came to the GWOT I’d rather keep GWB than all of the other possibilities** – but I also suspect that it doesn’t particularly matter, anyway: 2012 is probably too soon for the Bush name to be ‘rehabilitated’ in the public arena***, 2016 will be contentious either way, and the man will be 67 in 2020. For that matter, it’s not entirely wrong to be concerned that any one family should keep getting access to the Presidency: in 2008 we were facing a situation where the name ‘Bush’ or ‘Clinton’ had appeared on a winning party ticket seven times in a row, and up until Obama won the nomination it was threatening to be eight.

Well, there’s always the Senate in 2012. Going for Nelson’s seat should provide a good deal of panic, fear, inchoate rage, and general nastiness from the Online Left: so that’s something to look forward to.

Moe Lane

Continue reading ‘If this guy had a different last name…’

Everybody in the SCA has had this forwarded to them by now.

I forget where I saw this, but it made me wince:

Man attacks cops with medieval battle ax

PANAMA CITY BEACH, FL — Authorities say a Panama City Beach motel guest tried to scare off deputies with a medieval battle ax, a knife and a long sword.

The Bay County Sheriff’s Office reports that deputies responded to the Sting Ray Motel Tuesday morning after management called 911 to complain that a guest was acting strange.

When a deputy stepped out of his patrol car, officials say 33-year-old Terrence Croskery threw a battle ax and then a 6-inch knife through the window of the motel room.

One of the few nice things about the current dispute over the extent of Second Amendment rights in this country is that everybody’s so busy arguing over guns that almost nobody talks about swords, axes, maces, crossbows, bows, and glaive glaive glaive guisiarme glaives*. And those of us that might have such things on the walls, or in our closets, are very happy about that state of affairs; so stories like this don’t help. “Hand-powered” doesn’t mean “free to wave it at policemen,” kids…

Moe Lane

*Classical reference.

Rep Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D, FL-20): veterans not worth protecting?

Now, you can be for or against hate-crime legislation as you choose: whichever side of the argument you’re on, it can’t be denied that there’s an argument going on. But I think it’s just a little disingenuous to be quite this resentful when somebody like Tom Rooney uses your own logic in ways that you don’t like. Even if it does mean adding military veterans as a protected class against hate crimes.

I mean: really, Debbie. Going on the record like that?

Rep. Wasserman-Schultz, of course, has been playing the equivocator game for a while now; from the Iraq War to the Florida Three to the Clinton/Obama endorsement she’s shown no little skill in being on the right side at just the right moment. Probably what’s happening here: now that the GOP caucus is at its currently-low levels, she’s going to have to find some new friends. Which means netroots. Which, of course, means being anti-military.

Pity. Not really surprising, but still a pity.

Contact info after the fold.  Hey, you never know.

Moe Lane
Continue reading Rep Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D, FL-20): veterans not worth protecting?

Stopping more Tax Hikes on the poor in Florida.

This ad comes from Grover Norquist’s Americans For Tax Reform, and it’s aimed squarely at the Florida legislature’s attempt to emulate the Obama administration’s recent lower-class tax hike:

The argument here is actually very simple: cigarette taxes are in fact taxes, not ‘user fees’ or any other kind of bureaucratic nonsense. People like to pretend otherwise because it’s easier to pass something that’s not called a tax, and because in this particular case the the average member of the group that Rasmussen likes to call the Political Class probably doesn’t smoke anyway. In other words, if it’s not affecting them personally, it’s not their problem. This is not a particularly inclusive attitude, but then nobody was accusing the Political Class with an excess of empathy anyway.

Continue reading Stopping more Tax Hikes on the poor in Florida.