05/13/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter.

Tomorrow is the time when Things Happen. It’ll be fourteen days since the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter ended, so the money should be released; and that means people get paid! Also, it means that I can start up Backerkit and get surveys going. Once the Backerkit is fully up, there’ll be a store for pre-orders and whatnot. I don’t expect very many pre-orders – but then, I didn’t expect very many backers, either, so what do I know?

05/08/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

I need to get off my butt and finish processing these revisions. I wasn’t even going to mention that, except that I need to make a confession. You see, I just had to type out the following sentence, and I am ashamed of myself that somebody needed to point out the problem that made me write it:

Dammit, I should have realized that there weren’t enough monkeys.

And this is why editors are good, brothers and sisters.

05/06/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

I mostly spent today troubleshooting computers and trying to help my kids with their classwork, but I got another short story processed and I just got a chapter back from the editor. Seven more chapters after this one, and it’s done! If everything works out, we might even get the e-book ready by the end of the month. Which would be awesome. I’m gonna need all the time I can get to make sure the RPG supplement’s in proper shape.

05/05/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter.

Today in the ongoing Education of Moe Lane came the mentoring on the concept of slack time (my wife knows some of the management wyrding ways, you see). So, since I can’t do some of the things that I would like to do for a week or so more, she suggested that I do some of the things that were deemed lower-priority, but I could do now. My wife’s very smart that way.

So I fiddled with the short story sampler. Took one of the short stories, killed all the “thats” that I needed it to, and sent it off to a volunteer to let him pick at it some more. I do this a bunch more times, the sampler’s done and I just need to prep it for publication. And I advance a little on the checklist! Win-win.

Moe Lane

PS: If you have an interest in critiquing stories in such a fashion, drop me a line.

05/04/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

Well, I got another chapter back from the editor, and sent out some chapters for the audiobook, but aside from that I’m waiting for the money to show up. There’s a bunch of stuff that I can’t move on until I’m able to pay for them, and it’s – well, it actually shouldn’t be frustrating. In the world where I didn’t do the Kickstarter I’d be twiddling my thumbs waiting for enough cash to come in organically to get the book out. I’d have been able to pay for everything no later than, say, September. So, yeah, this is better.

Still, you know, I’d like to get on with things. Gotta lot of items that I’d like to check off on the action list.

05/03/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

Kept having my files crash when it came to the RPG, so not as much work there as I liked. But revised another chapter back from the editor, and it was useful stuff. We’re definitely getting to Zero Hour there. I need to check with my cousin over whether she wants the chapters in chunks or not.

Lot of stuff waiting on Kickstarter coughing up the funds, though.

05/01/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

What did I do today, anyway? Not much, I think:

  • Watched the Kickstarter end (5.2K, which is flat-out AMAZING).
  • Got Backerkit set up and ready for the end of the two week pause they suggested I take before I send out surveys.
  • Got another chapter back from the editor, which I will have to add to the pile of get-it-done-tonight.
  • Collated and rough-drafted about half of the GUMSHOE character creation rules that I’m going to need for the supplement.

…OK, I guess I did some stuff. But mostly I kind of crashed. That was a long month, folks. Fun, but long.