The title will make sense in a minute.
[UPDATE] More from Politico and Big Government. And if you’re ever on the other end of this, the NRSC wants you to remember: don’t be like Alexi Giannoulias’ staffers. No touchies.
Alexi Giannoulias (D CAND, IL-SEN) needs to hire a better class of goon.
Not so much for the specific details here – interesting how quickly the Left goes vigilante over cameramen, isn’t it? You’d think that the first thing that they’d do would be to call in security; but nope, give a Democratic campaign guy five-to-one odds in his favor and suddenly he’s a tough guy – but because right now the last thing Giannoulias needs is for any excuse for people like me to mention Giannoulias’ latest lie about his family’s mob bank:
Continue reading Giannoulias staffer sells cameraman. Excuse me, ‘seizes.’