Group Seed: Hollywood Animal Detoxification Services (HADeS)

Hollywood Animal Detoxification Services – Google Docs


Hollywood Animal Detoxification Services



On the surface, Hollywood Animal Detoxification Services (HADeS) looks like one of your standard SoCal crystal and chakra weirdnesses: they bring animals to Hollywood productions in order to “cleanse the workspace of negative stress energy by cooperatively using primal life forces.” Basically, this means that the company brings in dogs and cats for the cast and crew to pet, play with, and feed (the crew is not supposed to feed the animals, but everybody does anyway, and HADeS never seems to really mind). Sometimes HADeS will provide something more exotic, like a rabbit or a sheep; on one memorable occasion the company brought in an actual cow, and encouraged everyone to touch it.  Oddly enough, that story never made the papers; you’d expect it to, seeing that the movie in question more or less swept the Oscars that year.

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