Harry Reid deliberately fails to advance his job-killing bill.

If you’re wondering why Republican Senators were perfectly happy to kill Harry Reid’s job-killing bill masquerading as a minimum-wage hike earlier today, this is why:

[Senator John] Thune [R, South Dakota] cited a Bloomberg poll showing 57 percent of the public views the potential loss of 500,000 jobs, a figure projected by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), as an unacceptable tradeoff for raising the minimum wage to a $10.10 hourly rate. The CBO dealt a huge blow to the legislation, the centerpiece of the Democrats’ 2014 agenda, when it warned in February of its impact on jobs.

Continue reading Harry Reid deliberately fails to advance his job-killing bill.

How many times must we write ‘Harry Reid may be having …issues’?

Seriously, this is kind of weird.

It’s not just bizarre, or downright creepy; it’s also not working.

Harry Reid brings up Koch brothers. AGAIN.

Pro-tip for Democrats: when Politico casually mocks your favorite rhetorical flourish, it’s pretty bad.

Responding to the [McCuthcheon v. FCC] decision, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) invoked his favorite boogeymen: the Koch brothers.

“The Supreme Court today just accentuated what they did on Citizens United, which is a decision that is one of the worst decisions in the history of that court,” Reid said during a press conference on raising the minimum wage. “All it does is take away people’s rights because, as you know, the Koch brothers are trying to buy America.”

Bolding mine.  It is a measure of just how surreal the whole situation is that most people still weren’t ready to immediately believe that Harry Reid would start babbling about the Koch brothers buying America*. If you are a Reid staffer, take my sincere advice: get your boss to his doctor for a check-up.  Fast.



Moe Lane

*Almost a shame that they won’t; God knows nobody in the Democratic party apparently knows how to do a budget properly.

Tweet of the Day, Reid Has Gone Bye-Bye edition…

…and I’m not going to continue that joke, because there isn’t a Democrat in government who deserves to be allowed to stand in for Egon. Hell, I’m pushing the envelope by suggesting that one of ’em could be Ray.

I’m wondering whether Harry Reid’s just not going to run in 2016. This may be how a Senator looks when he’s losing whatever it is that keeps him from wearing his underpants on his head in public.

Via Twitchy, which has more. So much, much more.

Quote of the Day, Maybe Harry Reid Is Simply A Sadist edition.

Because this was, I think, needlessly cruel to Harry Reid’s own party base:

Reid then spoke of FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver, the well-known political (and sports) writer whose grim forecast for the Senate Democrats recently created a small furor in Washington. Reid — echoing a Democratic Senate Campaign Committee memo — said Silver has consistently predicted Senate Democrats would perform worse than they have in recent campaign cycles.

“He gave me a 16 percent chance of being reelected, he gave Heidi Heitkamp an 8 percent chance of being reelected, he gave Jon Tester a [34] percent chance of being reelected,” Reid said, referring to Silver’s final 2012 forecast for the New York Times. “So all polls are about like Nate Silver’s predictions: good sometimes, bad most of the time.”

Continue reading Quote of the Day, Maybe Harry Reid Is Simply A Sadist edition.

If Harry Reid *does* cave on the IMF provisions, why?

Here’s the basic background: they’re trying to pass a bill to aid Ukraine and maybe give President Obama more sanction tools against Russia.  The hitch? Democrats not letting a crisis go to waste:

…House GOP leaders said they will not support language in the legislation that would ratify quota reforms to the International Monetary Fund.

The IMF provision, they said, would weaken the voting power of the United States within the organization by boosting the voting share of emerging nations, including Russia.

Continue reading If Harry Reid *does* cave on the IMF provisions, why?

Harry Reid offers the NRA a scalp on controversial Surgeon General nomination.

Tell me again about how smart it was for Harry Reid to kill the filibuster over nominations. Because I’m pretty sure that it’s going to end up giving the NRA a public win:

A number of Senate Democrats have indicated that they might oppose President Barack Obama’s choice of Vivek Murthy for the post of U.S. Surgeon General, according to Senate aides, putting the nomination at risk over the issue of gun control.

Dr. Murthy’s nomination is opposed by the National Rifle Association, the country’s largest gun lobby, because he has expressed support for gun control, calling it a public-health issue.

Continue reading Harry Reid offers the NRA a scalp on controversial Surgeon General nomination.

Over/under on Harry Reid declaring that the Koch brothers are secret Jews?

Because that’s the endgame.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Thursday accused Republicans of holding up crucial assistance to Ukraine in order to protect the Koch brothers.

Reid tied the billionaire brothers who have bankrolled conservative causes to GOP demands that language delaying the Internal Revenue Service’s regulation of non-profit political advocacy groups be added to the Ukraine package.

That’s where conspiracy theorists always end up. Eventually, they just come out and say It’s all because of the Jooooooos and then we have to kind of… shuffle the sufferer over to the fringes of polite society. It’s really a tragedy when it happens, of course.  Even the most miserable human being is a child of God.

Y Continue reading Over/under on Harry Reid declaring that the Koch brothers are secret Jews?

Reid retreats on amendment tree for unemployment benefits extension.

Heh: “Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) says he is now open to considering Republican amendments to a bill extending emergency unemployment benefits through most of 2014.” Yeah, I understand that fighting on quicksand can be tricky. Especially when you hadn’t previously realized that it was quicksand. Continue reading Reid retreats on amendment tree for unemployment benefits extension.

Tweet of the Day, …And The Sign Was Taken Out Back And Never Seen Again edition.

Probably got sent out to a nice farm in the country, where it could play with all the other hideously misspelled and ungrammatical Democratic props:

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, …And The Sign Was Taken Out Back And Never Seen Again edition.