Movie of the Week: Highlander.

I was thinking about Highlander just now, and I’m not sure why: specifically, the duel scene. I had this bit pegged as being in France, for some reason.  And being considerably less random murder-y.  Guess I’ll have to watch it a few more times to remember it all properly.

And so adieu to Wonder Woman.  No, actually, I don’t think that they’d get into a fight in the first place.  Wonder Woman doesn’t strike me as the sort to get into random fights with fellow immortals.

…So they’re gonna reboot Highlander.

On the great scale of Dear God, Hollywood: WhyI’m gonna be honest, here: this barely registers.  I mean, yes, no argument: Highlander was awesome, magnificent, and everything that you could ask for from a movie that was about immortal swordsmen who cut each other’s heads off.  It’s also thirty years old.  …My eyes keep skittering away from that sentence, by the way.  I mean, intellectually, I understand that 1986 was thirty years ago.  But in the gut?  Nope. Nope nope nopeity nope. Continue reading …So they’re gonna reboot Highlander.