So, yeah, the media was ready to leap into bed with Hillary. …Literally.

I’m sorry. I am so, so sorry. But… oh sweet merciful God that’s real, isn’t it?

Tweet of the Day, If You Want To Imagine The Future… edition.

…imagine a lonely request for media access, hanging in the electronic aether unanswered. Forever.

Contempt piled on contempt. It’s quite bracing, really. This is your life, mainstream media. This is what you get to have. Enjoy!

So, why *did* John Kerry pick January 2016 to roll out the Clinton emails?

Basically, the State Department announced that they’d be releasing all of the Hillary Clinton emails that they have at the beginning of next year.  Admittedly, a federal judge is having none of that, but never mind that right now.  You see, Hot Air is questioning the timing:

January of 2016? Could it have come at a worse time? The official beginning of the primaries will be only weeks away, and by that point in time even Hillary will have had to have started answering some questions, making public appearances and talking to reporters. If they’d all just been dumped this winter she might have been able to file any unpleasant results under the “old news” category as she and her husband usually do, but this schedule promises some fresh meat just as the election is heating up on a national level.

If John Kerry were seriously considering another run at the White House I’d almost think that he planned this release date himself for maximum damage.

Continue reading So, why *did* John Kerry pick January 2016 to roll out the Clinton emails?

Hillary Clinton hasn’t focus-tested TPP/TPA yet, and good GOD but it shows

I thank the Lord every night that I don’t have to apologize for this campaign.

Because… wow, that’s just bad. I mean, sure, Hillary Clinton boosters would say that it’s a brilliant move on her part – but then, they’d say that if she suddenly decided to defecate in public and then dance a tarantella on her own excrement. Out here in the real world nobody’s walking away all impressed with Secretary Clinton’s acumen.

Another year of this!  Enjoy, mainstream media!  You got what you wished for! …Good, and hard.

Hillary Clinton straight-up lied to Trey Gowdy (@TGowdySC).

Lied, lied, lied.

Basically, she had her lawyer tell Trey Gowdy that a specific email wasn’t being used during Clinton’s term of office. This was directly contradicted by the New York Times today, albeit in passing. Either way: it’s time for Rep. Gowdy to start bringing in people to be subpoenaed, and putting them in jail for contempt if they try to stonewall.  This has gone on for quite long enough.

Tweet of the Day, The NYT Is Starting To Get Peeved At Hillary Clinton edition.

I suspect that Team Hillary is probably going to call somebody to complain.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, The NYT Is Starting To Get Peeved At Hillary Clinton edition.

Quote of the Day, So What DOES Hillary Clinton Think About Fast-Track? edition.

By the way: it’s going to pass. It was always going to pass. These things happen when the party controlling Congress, and the President, broadly agree on something. So maybe you should concentrate not so much on that, and focus instead on the delicious DEEP HURTING that will now commence:

Obama’s aggressive defense of fast-track has put him at odds with the left wing of the Democratic Party, including Senators Elizabeth Warren, a leading liberal voice, and Bernie Sanders, who is challenging Hillary Clinton for the party’s 2016 presidential nomination.

On Sunday, Sanders called on Clinton, who was an outspoken supporter of the trade pact as Obama’s secretary of state, to take a stand on Obama’s deal.

“You’re either for it or you’re against it. No fence-sitting on this one,” he said on CNN.

Yes. I cannot wait to hear what Hillary Clinton thinks about fast-track. It should be… ah, ‘highly nuanced?’ Sure, we’ll go with that.

Via @Drudge_Report.

Watch Hillary Clinton supporters find out about her gender wage disparity issue!

I find this amusing. Perhaps slightly suspicious, in places – I am a cynical man, sometimes – but amusing. I especially enjoyed watching the people who visibly did not want to yell at Hillary Clinton over her vicious and sexist gender wage disparity*.

Continue reading Watch Hillary Clinton supporters find out about her gender wage disparity issue!

Thousand Cuts Watch: the amusing fight between the Clinton Foundation and Charity Navigator.

(H/T: Hot Air Headlines) Another day, another scalp wound for the Hillary Clinton campaign. Sorry if that particular image is a bit much, but it’s a good analogy for what’s happening to Hillary Clinton with regard to the Clinton Foundation. To wit: scalp wounds bleed a lot and look as messy as all get-out, but if you can stop the blood loss there aren’t many long-term consequences.

Continue reading Thousand Cuts Watch: the amusing fight between the Clinton Foundation and Charity Navigator.

I wonder how much longer the Democrats can keep the primary lid on.

Because this is what a pressure buildup looks like.

  1. Virginia voters overall appear to soften on Clinton, with Jeb Bush beating
    her for the first time in a hypothetical 2016 match-up.
  2. Clinton beats all other potential Republican challengers, but is unable to
    achieve 50% of the vote against any of them.

Continue reading I wonder how much longer the Democrats can keep the primary lid on.