#rsrh QotD, Kathleen Parker Broken Clock Watch edition.

(H/T: Instapundit) Well, she does occasionally hit the target.

The past several days of Newark Mayor Cory Booker’s life have been painfully amusing to watch.

Painful because Booker, a rising Democratic star, is such a good guy. Amusing, because rarely are Americans treated to such premier seats in the political theater of truth and consequence.

That is, tell the truth and beware the consequences.

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, Kathleen Parker Broken Clock Watch edition.

#rsrh QotD, It’s Probably a Coincidence edition.

Jon Ziegler, in passing while talking about why Kathleen Parker got canned from her CNN gig (short version: she was intellectually flabby, yet uninteresting) (H/T: Hot Air Headlines):

There is also an interesting secondary element to Parker’s demise which might make media pundits a little more hesitant to attack Sarah Palin. Since the 2008 election, many of [Palin’s] biggest media critics have found themselves out of a job. Keith Olbermann, Rick Sanchez, David Shuster, Alan Colmes, Campbell Brown, John Roberts, Larry King, Harry Smith and Parker are all prominently mentioned in my documentary and all of them have been let go from TV jobs since Obama got elected.

I am pretty sure that it’s a coincidence, or perhaps a situation that’s just developed in parallel: after all, these are all television news/opinion media personalities, and it’s no secret that television news sucks these days.  Which doesn’t mean that the talking head designated as ‘Chris Matthews’ should not, as Jon suggests right after the above quote, be unworried about retaining its position…

Moe Lane

Kathleen Parker feels empathy for the President’s plight.


Perhaps it is the spirit of the season, but my empathy receptors are in overdrive for poor Barack Obama.

Mine aren’t, and I don’t care if you’re Left, Right, Center, or beyond Pluto – neither should yours. Nobody used the Orbital Mind Control Lasers on Barack Obama to make him start actually believing the agitprop that his campaign staff was ladling out; he chose to do that all on his own. So he can deal with the consequences of that poor life choice. Everybody else has to, after all.

Crossposted to RedState.