You know, I know that I’m supposed to be worried by this ME3 article…

listing the potential, possible, not anywhere near confirmed as even being plausible problems with Mass Effect 3: but I am afraid that I am too pleased with the news that I will have Counselor Anderson as a playable NPC for a portion of the game.

This guy:

That was easily one of the most satisfying cutscenes in Mass Effect.

Still, please, God, don’t let it suck.

Moe Lane

The Not-So-Great Mass Effect 3 FemShep Debate.

Tycho of Penny Arcade is appropriately sarcastic about the fact that some people are going nuts that the default female Commander Shepard is going to be blond and blue-eyed for Mass Effect 3 Collector’s Edition. Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I am not only one of the 18% who default to female characters in Bioware games*. I’m also somebody whose FemShep looks like this:

Continue reading The Not-So-Great Mass Effect 3 FemShep Debate.

Mass Effect 3 delayed.

Got this bit of news in email this morning about Mass Effect 3:

We have received new release date information related to your pre-ordered video game in the order you placed on March 04 2011 (Order#XXX). The release date for the video game listed below has been changed by the publisher, and we want to provide you with a new delivery estimate based on the new release date:

“Mass Effect 3”
Release date: March 31 2012
Estimated arrival date: April 03 2012

My reasonable, not at all overwrought reaction after the fold: Continue reading Mass Effect 3 delayed.

Well, today’s the day. Dragon Age II.

And I’m being told that my copy of  Dragon Age 2 – Bioware Signature Edition has a street value roughly one and a half times of what I paid for it.  I should have bought four, sold two, kept one for myself and upgraded my wife’s copy.

Hmm.  Maybe I’ll do that for Mass Effect 3, if/when they offer an upgrade.  Except that my wife won’t need a copy for that one.