The Not-So-Great Mass Effect 3 FemShep Debate.

Tycho of Penny Arcade is appropriately sarcastic about the fact that some people are going nuts that the default female Commander Shepard is going to be blond and blue-eyed for Mass Effect 3 Collector’s Edition. Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I am not only one of the 18% who default to female characters in Bioware games*. I’m also somebody whose FemShep looks like this:

Continue reading The Not-So-Great Mass Effect 3 FemShep Debate.

So. New Mass Effect 2 DLC.

I somehow missed that “The Arrival” was due to, err, arrive for Mass Effect 2 until the notification that it was now for sale appeared in my inbox last night.  So, being pretty much useless today for anything requiring actual sentience I bought, downloaded and played it.

Short version: not bad, but not “Lair of the Shadow Broker.”  It ties into the upcoming Mass Effect 3 better than DA:O’s “Witch Hunt” ended up tying into Dragon Age 2.  Worth the seven bucks for Admiral Hackett, a surprisingly difficult (at-first) … [spoilers below fold]

Continue reading So. New Mass Effect 2 DLC.

No music video tonight…

…I got sucked into watching Mass Effect 2 video cutscenes.  I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this, but if you can play that series in the following order:

The net result will be you’ll wander through the game the second time feeling like your particular Shepard was originally from some gritty, grim alternate dimension where your character did dark things to survive.  But it was all a dream!  You didn’t let at least SIX* Bad Things happen that could have been averted!  And not just the big stuff: I mean, there’s that one guy who doesn’t hate you now!  It’s absurd, how much having that one guy not hate you makes a difference.

Moe Lane

PS: What? Mass Effect 3?  Ohhh yeah, I’m buying that.

*I’d list ’em, but spoilers.

Mass Effect 3 trailer.

Apparently, we have to wait a year until the game’s out, darn it.

…and no final DLC announced yet for Mass Effect 2.  I just finished my second KOTOR 2 run-through (with desultory thoughts of doing a third, only different character class and gender); what am I going to do until Dragon Age 2 comes out?

I don’t believe I’m doing this. (Mass Effect spoilers)

Since I started playing Mass Effect, the effing Citadel Council has been a royal pain in the ass to my Spectre.  “Ooh, we can’t have humans as Spectres!”  “Ick, the Spectre is having funny visions!”  “We’re going to lock you down and not let you save the galaxy!  Nyah!”  And I knew – because of what happens in Mass Effect 2 when you play the games out of order – what could happen to these SOBs.  I have been looking forward to it, in fact.

And now that it’s at the decision point…

Dammit, dammit, dammit.  Effing Paragon Hi-I’m-Playing-a-Girl-Scout-Lawful-Good-Mage-Adept. Who thought that it was a good idea to put morality into a effing video game, anyway?

Moe Lane

[UPDATE]: OK, there’s something be said for being the cavalry.

Umm. Did Mass Effect *I* require an internet connection…

…to play?  I ask because I just got my copy of Mass Effect, and it seems to be requiring that.

Bear in mind, obviously I have an internet connection; and I’m only playing it to build my Adept up and give her all the cool options for Mass Effect 2… so that I can have a really cool character for Mass Effect 3.  Hmm.  I’m starting to detect a pattern of addiction, here.  Anyway, I can obviously play ME even if I need Net access; but was this a usual feature of the first game?