Ah, Turnabout. Um. Well. …Brr?
Tag: microfiction
Patreon microfiction: ‘Fear Not.’
“Fear Not…” ah, angels are fascinating concepts. Fascinating, infinitely suitable for stories, and terrifying beyond rational thought. You can run them through the Michael Landon filter for a while, but… they always snap back to the original conception.
Patreon microfiction: ‘CSI: IASB.’
I’m forced to admit: I’m not exactly sure how the world of “CSI-IASB” functions. I do know that IASB stands for “Illuminated and Ancient Seers of Bavaria,” which certainly implies certain things. But, really, sometimes these things are merely snapshots, even to me. I’ll spare you the picture that I drew.
Patreon Microfiction: “Marching Through Alabama.”
“Marching Through Alabama” is set in an interesting world. It’s also this one. I have the broad outlines of the general war that took place on the North American continent during their 1860s firmly set in my head… which is probably where it will stay, because while I don’t much care for getting every single historical detail right I also don’t much care for kicking fire anthills. God help me if I get a detail on a single company-level officer’s career or habits wrong, because the Civil War buffs* never will…
*Sayeth the man with a level in Civil War Buff. But only a single level. I am aware of my limitations.
Patreon Microfiction: ‘Tears in Rain.’
“Tears in Rain” reminds me that I have to decide whether or not to go see Blade Runner 2049. I ain’t in a great head space right now when it comes to Hollywood. But still, I heard that it was good.
Patreon Microfiction: ‘Clean Your Own Mess.’
I could have sworn that I just put up “Clean Your Own Mess,” but it’s not showing up in my media library. Go figure. Anyway… to quote Terry Pratchett: some people don’t make friends easily.
Patreon microfiction: “I Want My M(age) TV.”
I just realized the hidden subtext of “I Want My M(age) TV.” Basically, it’s this: the 1980s and 1990s are sufficiently in the past that they’re becoming suitably exotic for fantasy tropes. This has any number of personal implications, and I’m not sure that I fully approve of any of them.
Patreon Microfiction: “A Rocky Start.”
“A Rocky Start” is cheerful. Really and truly, it is. Or at least it’s a lighter touch than usual.
Patreon Microfiction: ‘That’s The Song I Sing.’
“That’s The Song I Sing” amused me. That’s the beginning and the end of it. Sorry?
Patreon microfiction: ‘Warning, Ignored.’
I feel that “Warning, Ignored” strives to remind us about the universe, and about who gets a vote. Key word there, naturally, is ‘strives.’ It’s up to you, Dear Reader, to determine whether or not it succeeded.