“Curiosity” is just supposed to be… nice. Nothing more to it, really. Nothing more hopefully needed, either.
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“Curiosity” is just supposed to be… nice. Nothing more to it, really. Nothing more hopefully needed, either.
Like this stuff? Sign up for my Patreon!
“Mission Statement” examines a problem that any group with access to power must address: what do you do to keep down the number of jerks looking for access to that power? This, I feel, is not addressed enough in modern fantasy. And when it is, it typically goes too far in the other direction and just gets rid of the jerks entirely. I feel that this is also not an optimal result.
Anyway… Patreon!
What can I say about “Adventures Across The Third Dimension!“? …Just: man. I wish.
Hey, look! A Patreon button! :Big smile:
“Division of Labor” would be longer, except that I pretty much have nothing more to say about it. …Nope, still got nothing more to say about it. Just one of those things, I reckon.
I feel that “Dancing With Myself” addresses a particular social awkwardness in time travel that is not often addressed. What is it? Read it, and see.
Hey, Patreon! Makes a great Christmas gift! …No, wait, that’s kind of crass.
I may, someday, turn “Jurisdiction” into a larger story. Or maybe even a book. There’s a book in this concept, I’m sure of it.
Yup, I crashed-and-napped this afternoon. It happens. anyway, ‘Psychopath‘ is subtly horrifying, I think. I mean, really, there’s no good interpretation there, is there?
I tried to imagine in ‘Birthday‘ how this sort of thing might actually go. After all, everybody knows the value of a first impression, right? And politeness costs a man nothing. And any other number of cliches, really.
Looking for a great Christmas gift? Try my Patreon! …OK, that sounds weird. Still:
“Mindful of Him” is one where I tried to pack a bit more into it. I think that it works, but these are my babies, so I think that they all work. More or less.
“Middle Kingdom” is a scene from a television miniseries that I will almost certainly never make. And it’s not a question of opportunity: I’d need reliable time travel in order to have the money and connections in order to properly make it. But that’s OK. I’m not exactly sure why it’s OK, but it is.
As always, my Patreon is below.