Meet Ed Martin (R CAND, MO-03).

Ed is running against Russ “Yes, he really does look like that” Carnahan, who is mostly known (publicly) for his last name and (privately) for his growing disinterest in keeping the job. I’m not being cute, here: I’ve heard from several different Missouri political types that Russ Carnahan doesn’t even really want to be a Congressman anymore… which is kind of fortuitous, because Ed Martin doesn’t want Russ Carnahan to be a Congressman anymore, either. Ed and I spoke this morning:

Ed’s site is here.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Somebody tried to set Russ Carnahan’s office on fire.

If you are surprised to hear this, yes, well, it was a surprise for me too. It happened last weekend, in fact. Somebody threw an incendiary device in Carnahan’s office causing (thankfully) only minor damage: there was an arrest, but the guy was apparently let go. And… that’s pretty much everything that’s known about the situation.

If that sounds odd to you, you’re not the only one. Missouri political blogger 24thState is covering it pretty extensively here and here, and in the latter post he notes: Continue reading Somebody tried to set Russ Carnahan’s office on fire.

#rsrh Robin Carnahan’s toothless pander.

I understand what the Roy Blunt campaign is doing here, and they’re not wrong to bring it up. But it’s not the whole story.

The problem here is not that Robin Carnahan called Missouri a ‘mecca of progressivism.’  It’s not, and she didn’t mean it in that way anyway: her sarcasm and disdain for the people of Missouri who don’t think like her comes across, loud and clear.  But even that’s not the problem here. In fact, the problem here is her palpable contempt for not only Missourians (you get the feeling that one of the perks of a Senate seat for Robin Carnahan would be her getting away and staying away from flyover country for months at a time), but also the very progressives that she’s trying to woo.  Continue reading #rsrh Robin Carnahan’s toothless pander.

Robin Carnahan campaign apologizes for attack.

It seems that one of their campaign’s guys (Kansas City Councilman Bill Skaggs) got a little grabby and profane with a Republican video tracker.  By that I mean that Skaggs apparently laid hands on the video tracker, threatened him, swore at him (not bleeped out on the video below, so keep that in mind), and called him ‘boy’*.  Funny how these people hate being on the receiving end of the exact same observation tactics that they so exhaustively used in years past, isn’t it?

Skaggs didn’t apologize for anything except the profanity, thus requiring the Robin Carnahan campaign to take time out from their sinking Senatorial campaign to issue this statement:

“Robin does not condone this type of unacceptable behavior and it is a distraction from the real issues that matter in this campaign.”

So, I guess that means that Councilman Bill Skaggs has been asked to disassociate himself from the campaign, right? Seeing as they don’t condone this, and everything. No? Well, I suppose that makes a certain amount of sense: at this point, Robin Carnahan can’t exactly afford to alienate any of the people still planning to vote for her in November…

Moe Lane

PS: Roy Blunt for Senate. Not getting grabby with your person or your wallet. Continue reading Robin Carnahan campaign apologizes for attack.

Why the White House needs to worry about Proposition C.

Read up on reports of the results of Tuesday’s vote on Missouri’s Proposition C* and you’re going to notice what James Taranto did: there’s an urge to declare the vote ‘largely symbolic‘ (amusingly, this includes Taranto’s own Wall Street Journal, or at least the portions of it that aren’t part of the opinion section).  This is generally political-speak for ‘the voting public just kicked our rears on a policy issue:’  ‘largely symbolic’ votes where you agree with the results are instead ‘stunning reproofs’ or something else equally evocative of the Will of the People. Continue reading Why the White House needs to worry about Proposition C.

#rsrh Watching DOOM unfold in MO-08 challenge.

Your warm-fuzzy, feel-good political story of the morning comes to us from Stu Rothenberg, who spins us a delightful tale of the travails of one Tommy Sowers of MO-08.  Sowers is apparently one of the darlings of national Democrats, particularly the political and entertainment celebrity factions of it; he’s raised a bunch of money from them*.  He’s also being thoroughly beaten by incumbent Republican Jo Ann Emerson – an April internal poll put her up by 50 points – which leads Stu to note:

With so many Democratic candidates running in close contests, you’d think party contributors might try to be strategic about their giving. Instead, many have opened their wallets to a personally appealing candidate who, by every indication, has no chance of winning. It’s difficult to believe those dollars wouldn’t be of better use in other races.

They would be, Stu.  The Democrats’ problem here is that they’re trying to recreate their successful 2006 & 2008 strategy of putting up ‘conservative’ candidates who will then turn around and vote however their liberal owners tell them to.  Unfortunately, after four years of insane deficit spending, utter contempt for the desires of the American people, complete betrayal of both fiscal and social conservative principles, and a relentless demonization of anybody who showed the least resistance to the Democratic agenda… yeah.  That’s not going to work this go-round.

But they’re certainly welcome to keep trying.  Which they probably will: some lessons aren’t really learned unless there’s some pain attached.

Moe Lane

*Just not as much as Emerson, though.


Sorry, just getting into the spirit of things:

Personally, I would have said that the Adam West Batman was far too cool and sophisticated to be associated with Robin Carnahan; she’s much more identifiable with the infamous Batman & Robin* version. Still, doing it this way let us watch men in suits fight with farm implements, so I supposed that it’s for the best.

Moe Lane

PS: Roy Blunt for Senate, citizen.

*Shame? Moi?

Crossposted to RedState.

Rep. Ike Skelton (D, MO) has forgotten all he learned once of national security.

(H/T: Hot Air Headlines) Remember: Ike Skelton is supposed to be one of their smart ones; one of the few remaining people that the Democrats can trot out whenever they need to try to persuade the populace that Democrats have a clue about national security. So, when he says something like this:

Added Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton (Mo.): “They caught him. They caught him. They caught him. What’s wrong with being lucky?”

…in response to the Republican party’s rather obvious observation that when it comes to counter-terrorism, hope is not a plan – well, that’s kind of disturbing.  You see, Ike Skelton should not be able to rely on the standard Democratic excuse of systematic ignorance to explain why he doesn’t know of this infamous IRA warning to Maggie Thatcher: Continue reading Rep. Ike Skelton (D, MO) has forgotten all he learned once of national security.

Ah, Robin Carnahan? Nothing ever goes away.

(All links via 24thState, which is pretty much your go-to site for Missouri politics these days.)

On the Internet, that is. So, when the Blunt campaign (accurately) notes that you were ““a banking executive” in Washington at the government’s Export-Import Bank,” and you argue instead that your “position in the 1990s was assistant to the chairman” – thus suggesting that you were in fact not a real “banking executive” – here’s some places that you should try to get sanitized:

Continue reading Ah, Robin Carnahan? Nothing ever goes away.

#rsrh Is Robin Carnahan a (GASP!) TENTHER?

…at least that’s the question asked by 24thState:

Now, far be it from me to tell the Secretary of State of Missouri that it’s disrespectful to put the state flag of Missouri to the right and put the United States Flag to the left, but maybe she’s trying to tell us something?  Is she one of those dreaded Tenthers?  She’s run away and to the right of Barack Obama on every issue since he came to town – maybe she’s joining Peter Kinder in asserting Missouri’s constitutional rights?

…Nah, the truth is she’s just got a lot of dolts working for her who not only don’t know the Flag Code, but wouldn’t take it seriously if they did. For that matter, she didn’t notice, either. Ah, the Carnahans; I shall miss them, when they’re gone…

Moe Lane

PS: Roy Blunt for Senate. Old Glory on the right.

Continue reading #rsrh Is Robin Carnahan a (GASP!) TENTHER?