Mysterion is open for submissions.

Mysterion is looking for “original Christian-themed speculative fiction stories of up to 8,000 words” (their submissions guidelines says that they’ll take reprints, though).  If you’ve got one of those, I sincerely suggest that you submit it before the January 31st deadline.  90% of success is just showing up, and all that.

Moe Lane

PS: As it happens, I had a story about Catholic priest monster strike teams, so yeah, I submitted something.

The Mysterion Patreon.

Mysterion, for those who might or might not remember, was an anthology book of speculative fiction published in 2016 or so that dealt with Christian themes. The publishers (Enigmatic Mirror Press) sent me a copy of it, at unfortunately precisely the wrong possible personal time for me to actually do anything like usefully review it. Which isn’t their fault, and it’s a good book.  Pick it up.

Well, now Enigmatic Mirror Press has a Patreon to support their new fanzine (also called Mysterion), which will be a publication “that specializes in Christian-themed speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, and horror) and pays professional rates.”  Check it, as they say, out.

Also a Goodreads book giveaway: Mysterion.

Constant Reader DSCrankshaw notes that Mysterion – “an anthology of science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories that engage with Christianity from a variety of perspectives” – is also up for a Goodreads raffle.  I actually have this book on my digital pile; but you know how it is with unread books.  They taunt you with their unread state. Oh, how they taunt you. Especially when you have umpteen billion different e-readers… sorry, making an excuse for why I haven’t transferred this book to my Amazon phone yet.  Lemme go move it now…