So, Ben Sasse won in Nebraska SEN last night.

And Operation We Are One Big, Happy Fleet is already up and running:

Mitch McConnell’s troops are extending an olive branch to Nebraska Senate candidate Ben Sasse after Sasse said Tuesday that he would “absolutely” support McConnell as Senate majority leader if the Republican conference chooses the Kentucky senator for the post. “I’m a team player and looking forward to supporting whoever our leader is,” Sasse told MSNBC’s Chuck Todd.

Praise from the McConnell camp, which vowed to oppose any candidate, including Sasse, endorsed by the insurgent Senate Conservatives Fund, was forthcoming. A McConnell ally tells National Review Online that Sasse is a “very practical conservative who’s more interested in achieving the right policy outcome than engaging in a quixotic civil war with his own party.” The Sasse campaign, for the time being, is not returning the love. “We’re focused on our get-out-the-vote operation,” says Sasse adviser Jordan Gehrke.

Continue reading So, Ben Sasse won in Nebraska SEN last night.

Peter Festersen (D) cuts and runs from Nebraska-02 race.

Point (October 2013):

A partial shutdown of the U.S. government and an impasse over raising the federal debt ceiling have prompted a Nebraska Democratic officeholder to challenge Republican Rep. Lee Terry in the 2014 elections.

Pete Festersen, a city councilman in Omaha, reversed an earlier decision to sit out the race.

Counterpoint (December 2013):

Democrat Pete Festersen is ending his campaign for Republican Lee Terry’s seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Omaha City Council president told The World-Herald on Monday that he’s been unable to balance his work, family and council responsibilities with the demands of a high-profile congressional race.

Continue reading Peter Festersen (D) cuts and runs from Nebraska-02 race.

A handy checklist for the rumored Chuck Hagel appointment.

Just some things to keep in mind:

  • Chuck Hagel has a problem with Israel.  Specifically – and as per the, um, National Jewish Democratic Council – Chuck Hagel has a real problem with supporting Israel over the terrorist groups that have been trying to destroy Israel within my lifetime, and probably yours as well.  It was reported that American Jewish leaders gave administration staffers an earful about this Thursday night; the President should keep that in mind.  And that Hagel’s views on Israel are NOT mainstream.
  • Chuck Hagel tried to stab SENATOR-ELECT Deb Fischer (R) in the back. Via Pejamn Youzehzadeh‘s new site (check it out) comes a reminder that, just before the election, Hagel went to Nebraska to try to torpedo the election of Deb Fischer to the US Senate by flashily endorsing Bob Kerrey.  This was, of course, unsuccessful (as National Review noted, Hagel isn’t exactly a native Nebraskan anymore; as I’ll note, neither is Kerrey); but the fact that it happened should serve as an indication that there is no need to give Chuck Hagel any more of a pass on issues than you would any other creature of the Obama administration.
  • Chuck Hagel wants to drastically change policy on our national defense. As in, he wants to drastically cut our nuclear arsenal.  How this stance will jibe with the Obama administration’s stubborn resistance to missile defense (the reduction of nukes assumes a vigorous missile defense system) is theoretically still up in the air, but presumably Chuck Hagel really, really wants to be Secretary of Defense.
  • Chuck Hagel tried to stab Senator Pat Toomey (R) in the back, tooHagel endorsed Joe Sestak for that Pennsylvania Senate race – allegedly largely over Israel policy, as well.
  • Chuck Hagel advises a bank allegedly under investigation for violating sanctions against Iran.  The Washington Free Beacon broke this one yesterday: to be fair, Deustche Bank is currently denying everything about said investigation, including the fact that it exists.  It did not, however, deny that it had bought itself a former US Senator for its executive board.  It’s what’s legal that’s the crime, huh?
  • There are whispers of election fraud in Chuck Hagel’s past. Keywords: “Hagel, American Information Systems.”  I mention this not because I believe those rumors; but because I want to see the conspiracy theorists on the Left squirm a little when they contemplate that if Hagel gets nominated they’re going to have to fall in line and support him anyway.  Which the Left will still do, of course – but at least this way they can do it with gritted teeth.

Continue reading A handy checklist for the rumored Chuck Hagel appointment.