The First ‘Bright’ Trailer (Netflix Urban Fantasy).

I first mentioned it here.  Short version: Will Smith in a buddy cop movie.  With an Orc.  Looks promising: it comes out in December.

So, the Netflix/treadmill thing might actually work.

I walked for a half hour while watching the beginning of the pilot for Supergirl.  Actual exercise was had and it’s obviously better for me than obsessively doing the social media click cycle looking for responses, likes, shares, and — God forbid — people signing up for my Patreon. Oh, and processing rejection slips: I’m finally starting to get some of those.  I was starting to worry that I was sending this stuff out and they were hitting the equivalent of a brick wall, or something like that*.

So, productive day, in its way.

Moe Lane

*Sure, I’d rather cash checks. But one of the submissions got bounced because the magazine was going out of business, which isn’t the story’s fault, at least. Which is a morbid way of looking at it, to be sure, but then: ‘morbid’ describes the publishing industry right down to a T.

The iBoy Netflix trailer.

You know, I think that I’m going to give this one a shot.

Yes, sure, the science is absolutely absurd. Then again, so was Spectral’s, and I had a pretty good time. IBoy is coming out on Netflix on January 27th, and the kid’s superpowers remind me a lot of the Drummer’s in Planetary. Also: if you’ve never actually read Planetary then you should probably redress that unfortunate condition that you’re currently in. It’s one of the best superhero comic series ever written.  As in, in the top five.  Maybe in the top three.