Reviewing the January 2010 fundraising numbers.

The combination of CPAC and a reduced feeling of urgency delayed this for a couple of days, but here are the numbers for January.  Short version: RNC over DNC, effective ties (as in, less than 10K/20K differences ) for the Congressional and Senatorial committees, and the Democrats retain their cash-on-hand advantage.

Raised CoH Debts
RNC 10.53 9.48 0.00
DNC 9.19 10.20 4.68
NRSC 5.01 10.65 0.00
DSCC 5.10 13.00 0.83
NRCC 4.50 4.13 0.00
DCCC 4.69 18.32 1.33
GOP 20.04 24.26 0.00
Dem 18.98 41.52 6.84

Continue reading Reviewing the January 2010 fundraising numbers.

Reviewing the December Fundraising Numbers.

It’s that time again.  Short version: RNC above DNC, DNC took a big cash on hand hit, NRSC over DSCC in the biggest shocker, NRCC/DCCC more or less the same, DCCC has a big CoH advantage, and blessed if I know how much any of this means, post-Citizens’ United and post-Brown.

Raised CoH Debts
RNC 6.84 8.42 0.00
DNC 4.54 8.67 4.69
NRSC 4.10 8.30 0.00
DSCC 3.40 12.50 1.20
NRCC 3.21 2.67 0.00
DCCC 3.81 16.69 2.00
GOP 14.15 19.39 0.00
Dem 11.75 37.86 7.89

Continue reading Reviewing the December Fundraising Numbers.

Reverse The Vote!: a reminder.

The subject came up yesterday about what specific funds groups like the NRCC can or cannot collect on their phone calls.  You see, there is a section of the GOP base that is simultaneously mad at the national committees and aware that said committees do in fact provide support for worthy Congressional candidates; unfortunately, it turns out that the FEC regulations are – surprise, surprise! – complicated.  Which is why they just collect money generically.

That being said: Reverse The Vote! is a collection of Victory Funds that target 24 specific Democrats – ones voting for party and personal privilege over principle – by collecting money for the eventual GOP challenger.  No sides chosen, no interference in primaries, and none of the national committees sees a dime.  And those folks will need the help; so check it out.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

“Government Run Healthcare Just Beyond Your Fingertips.”

‘There’s an app for that.’ The NRCC has its moments.

Although you have to wonder how surprised the person in that commercial should have been at being locked out of the process of ensuring less health care coverage for more money. I mean, really: so what if the President promised eight times while on the campaign trail to bring in C-SPAN*? Everybody knows by now that he lies.

Moe Lane Continue reading “Government Run Healthcare Just Beyond Your Fingertips.”

Reviewing the November Fundraising Numbers.

It’s that time again.  Short version: the RNC & NRSC beat out their Democratic counterparts – which is odd, considering that they’re the groups giving the Republican base the most aggravation; the NRCC pulled in less than the DCCC; the Democrats have a pretty good COH advantage (although the RNC spent a bunch of money in November); and the Democrats apparently aren’t planning to retire their debt.

Raised CoH Debts
RNC 6.38 8.75 0.00
DNC 5.94 13.19 4.93
NRSC 3.30 7.30 0.00
DSCC 3.00 11.30 1.70
NRCC 2.34 4.35 2.00
DCCC 3.65 15.35 2.67
GOP 12.02 20.40 2.00
Dem 12.59 39.84 9.30

Continue reading Reviewing the November Fundraising Numbers.

Reviewing the October fundraising numbers.

As promised. Short version: DNC beat RNC, NRSC edged DSCC, DCCC edged NRCC, and cash on hand would worry me more if the GOP hadn’t just removed the NJ & VA governorships from the Democrats and essentially handed NY-23 as part of a unfortunate but necessary life lesson to the GOP leadership.

RNC 9.06 11.29 0.00
DNC 11.58 12.96 4.40
NRSC 4.00 5.80 0.00
DSCC 3.70 11.30 2.00
NRCC 3.44 4.17 2.00
DCCC 3.76 14.52 3.34
GOP 16.5 21.26 2.00
Dem 19.04 38.78 9.74

Continue reading Reviewing the October fundraising numbers.

Reverse the Vote!

Reverse the Vote! is a program set up to specifically target 24 Democrats who voted for health care rationing, and against their constituents’ desires, last week. The list is entertaining:

Arcuri NY 24
Bean IL 8
Berry AR 1
Bishop NY 1
Carnahan MO 3
Connolly VA 11
Dahlkemper PA 3
Donnelly IN 2
Driehaus OH 1
Ellsworth IN 8
Foster IL 14
Giffords AZ 8
Kilroy OH 15
Kanjorski PA 11
Hall NY 19
Hill IN 9
Owens NY 23
Salazar CO 3
Schrader OR 5
Shea-Porter NH 1
Snyder AR 2
Space OH 18
Titus NV 3
Kagen WI 8

Continue reading Reverse the Vote!

Credit where credit is due: NRSC & NRCC.

Some of their top-down decisions may be not entirely to activist likings right now, but they’re doing useful stuff on the ground level. For example, this video from the NRSC is good, PARTICULARLY at the end.

…and this interactive map from the NRCC on lost jobs appeals to me. I probably shouldn’t admit that, though.

Crossposted to RedState.

Reviewing the September fundraising numbers.

It’s that time again.  Short version: RNC beat DNC, but DSCC & DCCC significantly outraised their counterparts – sufficiently so that the Democrats raised more overall for the month.  When debt is factored in, the Democrats also went from being significantly behind on cash-on-hand to being slightly ahead.  That being said: the RNC and NRCC are both reporting significant increases in small-person donors.

Raised CoH Debts
RNC 9.05 18.90 0.00
DNC 8.20 14.90 5.03
NRSC 3.20 5.20 0.00
DSCC 5.90 10.30 2.50
NRCC 3.41 4.32 2.00
DCCC 7.00 14.70 4.00
GOP 15.66 28.42 2.00
Dem 21.1 39.9 11.53

Continue reading Reviewing the September fundraising numbers.

Waiting on the DNC…

I would like to crunch the numbers for September, except that the DNC hasn’t released their monthly totals yet.  Given that the Democrats had great months for both their Senatorial and Congressional campaigns, it’s going to take exceedingly little for the Democrats to have both more money raised and more cash on hand this month.  The DNC had over 15 million in the bank last month; even assuming no change in that it’s enough to make for a significant COH advantage.

On the bright side – and it is a significant bright side – small-donor contributions are up for both the RNC and NRCC.