#rsrh Maurice Hinchey (D, NY-22) …to retire.

[UPDATE: Welcome, AoSHQ readers.]

Yeah, normally I categorize this sort of thing as ‘cutting and running,’ but the man just fought off colon cancer.  That stuff is nasty and even I have limits to my dearth of sympathy towards Democratic legislators.

Anyway… NY-22 is currently D+6, but who knows what will happen after the next redistricting? …Actually, according to Ed Koch this is a – his words, not mine – ‘godsend:’ Continue reading #rsrh Maurice Hinchey (D, NY-22) …to retire.

Maurice Hinchey’s (D, NY-22) Spring-time with Castro.

Because, you know, what’s a little grinding poverty, utter failure of an economic system, routine and widespread violation of human rights, and general nastiness when compared against the need to keep a House seat?

Continue reading Maurice Hinchey’s (D, NY-22) Spring-time with Castro.

Meet George Phillips (R CAND, NY-22).

He’s running against Maurice Hinchey; George actually outraised him last quarter. This is pretty significant: Democrats really, really, really don’t want to be in an environment where they have to fund normally untouchable Members of Congress like Hinchey.

George’s website is here.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.