Tonight’s video goes out to #occupywallstreet .

I typed “Rage Against the Machine parody” into the search function of YouTube, and got… this.

Although I wouldn’t call it a true parody: unlike RAtM, it doesn’t make you want to choose instead the song that ends the Earth.

The Not-So-Great Mass Effect 3 FemShep Debate.

Tycho of Penny Arcade is appropriately sarcastic about the fact that some people are going nuts that the default female Commander Shepard is going to be blond and blue-eyed for Mass Effect 3 Collector’s Edition. Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I am not only one of the 18% who default to female characters in Bioware games*. I’m also somebody whose FemShep looks like this:

Continue reading The Not-So-Great Mass Effect 3 FemShep Debate.

So I’m watching Gabe draw today’s Penny Arcade comic…

…live over here; and this song comes on while he’s drawing.

Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand, Primitive Radio Gods


It’s pretty good.  How’s the band generally?

So, should I get some HATS… [NSFW]

up in this [expletive deleted] [No, really, the link is NSFW]?

I honestly wonder some time how people actually make money from blogging/websites.  Obviously, people do – but if I was counting on either or PayPal* to do anything on a regular basis except give me the price of a couple of books per month, I’d probably be exceedingly panicky at this point. And – thanks largely to my RedState presence, honestly – I’m one of the success stories.

I know, I know: I’ve done this post before. Forgive me: the Penny Arcade comic was just too [NSFW] absurdist to pass up.

Continue reading So, should I get some HATS… [NSFW]

Penny Arcade makes a funny about the Kinect!

They listed as one of the Kinect‘s innovations that it “restores sight to the blind!”

Ha!  Good lampooning of corporate advertising, there; yeah, those people over at marketing are always coming up with the most extravagant clai OH JEEBUS THEY WEREN’T JOKING.

Yes, that was kludged together, and it’s a vibro-tactile/audio system rather than a true visual one.  Still.

HAHAHAwait, that’s not funny.

I don’t have cable television myself. I don’t torrent or Hulu, either: I just wait a few years and buy the DVD collection, which I then forget to watch. Then my wife asks me why I keep the DVD cases; I tell her it’s because the package is part of an aesthetic whole of the movie experience. Then I put the DVDs into a special book, throw the DVD cases into a garbage bag for ‘storage,’ toss the bag in the basement, and promptly forget about them. Which means that my wife has probably thrown those cases out by now, as she keeps a mental list of every bit of useless crap that I have; when something hits the two-year mark without me touching it once she waits for the right psychological moment to ask if she can throw it out*.

It’s a married thing.  Hard to explain, if you’re not living the life.

Moe Lane

*There is also a list of things that she doesn’t dare even try that.

Penny Arcade, Blizzard, and the former’s famous theory.

Penny Arcade addresses the entire ‘post under your own name’ controversy involving Blizzard right now.  I think that it’s a fair take on both sides.  Switching over to politics for a second: both and are pretty much against anonymous posters; you can post under a handle, but we require email addresses at both places for a reason, and that reason is mostly because it cuts down on the trolls.  So there’s that.  On the other hand, if I did my political blogging under a pseudonym I wouldn’t have sabotaged whatever hope I once had of getting work in the roleplaying game industry.

So there’s that.

Moe Lane