Tag: pigeon
03/08/21 Snippet, PIGEON.
#rsrh You know, funny thing about Jane Yolen: I saw one of her books…
…in the Target this afternoon, and I thought Hey, I need to get some more kids’ books. Then I remembered, Hey, wait, Jane Yolen absolutely hates it when us dirty, filthy conservatives read her books. So I picked up The Duckling Gets a Cookie!? (Pigeon) instead. Because I don’t really know what Mo Willems thinks of conservatives; but I do know that he has the mother-wit to not go around in public and call half the country church-burners.
Yes, yes, I’m a horrible person for pointing all of this out. People should so totally try to turn the Internet against me for this.
Again. Continue reading #rsrh You know, funny thing about Jane Yolen: I saw one of her books…