‘Mind Flayers.’

‘Why did it have to be mind flayers?’ See also here, here, and here. On the other hand, it was always nice to see one in Nethack; once you killed it, eating it would raise your Intelligence score a point. Of course, hopefully you had on a helmet that would keep it from eating your brain down to Intelligence 3 first.

Why, yes, that link does lead to a download that will likewise eat your brain through the wonders of text-based nostalgia. You want that to happen again? No? Then hit the tip jar for the travel fund, and maybe it won’t.

Moo hoo bwah hah.

Random warning: sassafras is apparently dangerous.

At least, that’s what the ads on my GMail just told me.  Right after it told me that it thinks that I want to look at pictures of hot legs in miniskirts.  Admittedly, that’s usually at least a pretty good guess for your stereotypical heterosexual male internet user, but I’m still not sure how the sassafras enters into it.

Yeah: it’s an excuse to put up the ‘hit the tip jar’ link again.  Gimme a break, I took a large part of the evening off (admittedly, it was to get some video interview footage with a Congressional candidate, but still).

The Laptop Replacement Pledge Drive: April 20th.

As has been mentioned in the past, my laptop – the one that I use to cover events – has died, and I need a replacement. Looking at what I’ve accumulated so far, and the existing bank account, and what’s available on discount… well. I’m thinking that another $80 or so would probably handle it; I can scrounge up the rest myself from somewhere. I think.

Alas, I’m not still not getting my checks from the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, the cheap so-and-so’s – so please note: the donate button is on the sidebar. If only to shut me up on the topic so that I’ll go back to blogging about zombie haiku.