So I *think* the podcast went well.

At least, the sound was good and I’m pretty sure I didn’t err and umm the entire way through. I’m just… well, not worried, per se. I’m just wondering whether “I started out reading Stephen King, back when he was good” (or however I put it) was the most diplomatic thing I could have said, during the podcast. I mean, it’s objectively true and everything, but was it particularly kind?

Well! I’ll let you know when it’s up.

Moe Lane

PS: My books are here. In case somebody comes wandering in later, belike.


Gonna record for a podcast (Todd Talks) Sunday! (I am available for other podcasts.)

It’s called Todd Talks. I know the guy from Fright Reads, and he’s just starting it up, so I get to get in at the ground floor, as it were. I should note that we’re supposed to be recording Sunday, so I don’t know yet when it’s going to be actually on. But you know me: I’m always happy to natter on for fifteen, twenty minutes about my books.

Speaking of

Moe Lane

PS: Again, I am available for other podcasts.


#rsrh I’ll be on Fausta’s podcast at 11 AM EST…

…you can hear it here.  The topic will at least touch on the Rotten Week that a lot of Democratic candidates had last week, and we’ll also be testing out the new audio rig* that has been provided for me.  Should be fun.

Moe Lane

*I am already scheduling phone interviews with various candidates in various races; this new rig will hopefully make such things a lot easier, and certainly a lot more, well, audible.

Today’s Podcast: Tea Parties, the Bush Six, and International Affairs.

I did my twice-monthly radio podcast with Fausta today – we discussed Tea Parties, Cuba, the “Bush Six,” pirates of Somalia, the Vatican’s rejection/non-rejection of pro-choice ambassadors, the DHS rightwing extremist issue, and even a quick mention of IL-05.  And, oh yeah, I sneered at the pro-torture Left.  Just because I felt like it.  Podcast and the various links mentioned after the fold.

I would like to note that the stories “The Bush Six to Be Indicted” and “The Practice Of Law Is Under Indictment — Where Is The ABA?” are of particular importance.  To recap: the Daily Beast is reporting that six members of the Bush administration are going to be indicted in a Spanish court for offering legal advice.  I was, shall we say, rather vehement in my commentary, which can boil down to “If the Obama administration does not make it clear that this is intolerable, the current people in government had best hope that the Democrats stay in power for the rest of eternity.”  With a lot more angry stammering, but then this topic annoys.

Not to mention makes me worry more about the future of our democratic system more than anything else going on right now.

Moe Lane

Continue reading Today’s Podcast: Tea Parties, the Bush Six, and International Affairs.