41 hours for Steve Jackson Games’ 2022 GURPS Pyramid Scheme Kickstarter! So get me some more stretch goals! …No, wait, they’re good. Well. Back it anyway?
Tag: pyramid scheme
The Steve Jackson Games’ 2022 GURPS Pyramid Scheme Kickstarter.
The Steve Jackson Games’ 2022 GURPS Pyramid Scheme Kickstarter is already funded, so all you’re doing by backing is giving me more free stuff. So, I guess… give me more free stuff?
…Is this beer really only 6% ABV? God, I’m such a lightweight these days.
The @SJGames GURPS Pyramid Scheme Kickstarter.
Steve Jackson Games is bringing back their Pyramid magazine, or at least testing out bringing back Pyramid. The GURPS Pyramid Scheme Kickstarter looks like it’s digital-only, which makes sense. It’s also a bit of a relief. I didn’t do their Car Wars Kickstarter because my question on the origins of the physical materials was… ah, not answered to my satisfaction. But this looks safe enough.