Quote of the Day, How @Jaketapper Didn’t End That With A ‘…Dumbass…’ edition.

Well, Jake’s a pro.  Setting the scene…  you know, I’m not going to bother. Once I say that he was dismantling the ‘arguments’ of a apologist for the Palestinian regime, you can probably figure it out from context:

TAPPER: If you run at a cop with a knife in this country, you’ll get shot.

That is a true fact.  It is a true fact here, and in Spain, and the People’s Republic of China, and Belize, and Uganda, and Morocco, and Nepal, and Uruguay, and indeed every other country in the world that has armed police.  Which means that Israel is no different. Whether or not certain individuals and organizations approve of that.

Quote of the Day, Alliances Always Look Solid Until They’re Not edition.

Interesting little data point, here:

Can you guess the demographic that consistently sides with [Kim] Davis more than any other? It’s not Republicans. Here are the results by race when you ask the basic question of whether she should be required to issue licenses despite her religious objections…

…and I bet you can guess the rest, just from context clues in the passage above.

Moe Lane

PS: Oh, I don’t expect things to change tomorrow. But I do expect things to change. They generally do, and typically when you least expect them to.

Quote of the Day, A Democratic Veep Has A BIG Problem edition.

And it’s spelled out here:

All of the Democratic Vice-Presidents that Biden grew up watching eventually became Democratic nominees for President: Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, Walter Mondale, and Al Gore. If Biden decides to forego a run for the Oval Office, he will be the first Democratic Vice-President unable to secure his party’s nomination in sixty-three years. (In 1952, the seventy-four-year-old Alben Barkley, Harry Truman’s veep, was pushed out of contention by party leaders who considered him too old. Biden is seventy-two.)

Continue reading Quote of the Day, A Democratic Veep Has A BIG Problem edition.

Quote of the Day, Hell Is Not Supposed To Be FUN edition.

Oh, sure, there’s the Merry Hell beloved of the old time writers. But Hell’s largely supposed to be a punishment. And what a punishment it would be, to be forced to sit and sup for eternity with Barack Obama, and the people he considers worthy to be graced with his ineffable company:

Trapped in a room with a collection of pompous and entitled people utterly convinced of their brilliance and moral purity, whose conversation ranges from what’s in this month’s Atlantic to what’s in this week’s Economist, who haven’t been told No in years—and then being informed that there is no escape? This, friends, is the vision of hell that greeted me in Monday’s paper: not of other people but of self-important ones, in a well-appointed house with no exit, eating an organic gluten-free farm-to-table meal and endlessly repeating the conventional wisdom as if they were coming to it for the first time. To look at the plans for Obama’s retirement is not just to see that big-dollar fundraising never stops. It is to peek inside the Bobo abyss, to visit the purgatory of the coastal elite—to enter, in horror, the balsamic inferno.

And I like balsamic vinegar.

Quote of the Day, I Have This Problem Myself.

Not as badly as I used to have it, but still.

Most of the words I know I got from books, which I thought were my friends, but they don’t necessarily have pronunciation keys and also the English language is a kaleidoscopic whorehouse.

It won’t surprise you to learn that my stunted, hairless translucence was borne of a largely solitary childhood that involved me learning words alone, and then saying them to myself, without the civilizing benefit of the social mirror.

As you can imagine, being in a situation where most of my communication is done via text – yes, like we’re doing here! – and my verbal communication mostly involves small children hasn’t exactly helped matters, either. I probably need more hobbies. Ones that maybe don’t require a wifi signal.

Quote of the Day, The Democrats Will Need Another Shellacking First edition.

This is an interesting factoid:

… right now, the Republican presidential bench is much deeper, and younger, than the Democrats’: The average age of the five Democrats already running for president, along with Biden and Gore, is 66 years old. By contrast, the average age of the 17-person Republican presidential field is 57.4 years old.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, The Democrats Will Need Another Shellacking First edition.

Quote of the Day, Tom Steyer Simply Doesn’t Understand Things edition.

I disagree with Jazz Shaw, here:

It’s impossible to simply skim over the irony of someone demanding to know why gas prices are so high in the very same press release where they push for an additional ten percent tax on oil extraction.

…obviously, I’m just skimming over the irony right now.

Quote of the Day, Chuck Schumer’s Lack Of Vision Suits His Party, Actually edition.

Via Instapundit: we must know of different Chuck Schumers.

There’s a certain lovable quality to Schumer that is hard to avoid even when he is on the other end of the phone yelling at you and threatening never to speak to anyone who works for your newspaper ever again. He works hard and he relishes what he does and I think he is a genuinely patriotic American.

But that makes it all the more tragic that this politician—who Bloomberg is now likening to Lyndon Johnson, writing that he has “been the highest-profile political player for the last decade in the major media centers of New York and Washington”—stands for so little.

Still, it remains true that it’s danged hard to actually say what the Democratic party is for, these days. If the GOP disappeared tomorrow I’d half expect the Democratic party leadership to wander around in a daze until they died from starvation and forgetfulness. :shrug: The price you pay for never having any ideas of your own, I guess.

Quote of the Day, …How Is This Possible I Don’t Even edition.

Dear God in Heaven.

The latest man to score an interview with President Obama, Shane Smith, has conducted some hard-hitting interviews, including one with a Japanese sex doll.

Yes.  Yes, there are links at the link. I have not clicked them, because I have small children about the house right now.  YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Quote of the Day, The Other Side Has Factions, Too edition.

Jim Geraghty puts his finger on the real problem between the New Left and the Old Left:

The old-school Left started with a vision of how government should operate and determined policies forward from there. The modern Left starts with the conclusion that their guys are the good guys, and Republicans and conservatives are the bad guys, and works backwards from there. ”Government openness” is a useful cudgel when complaining about Karl Rove’s e-mails in the Bush White House, but an absolute non-concern when it comes to the likely Democratic presidential nominee.

Lawrence O’Donnell [MSNBC host] cares that a rule put in place by liberals is followed because of the desired good outcome — open, accountable government. Alex Wagner [MSNBC host] cares about beating Republicans.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, The Other Side Has Factions, Too edition.