Like many modern people, I grapple with the concept of an afterlife. Reset Button is one of those grapples. One wishes to be useful…
Tag: reset button
Couldn’t figure out today what was off…
…until I realized: I’m done with NaNoWriMo. No need to grind out 2K words today. I could do comparatively easier stuff like revise the remaining short stories (and add more flying monkeys* to one of them). It’s kind of soothing, really**.
Moe Lane
*Metaphorically speaking; it’s my editor’s shorthand for “put more of the same in there.” It’s not meant to be literal. Although, I wonder…
**I also got the preliminary sketches back for the artwork for the REVISIONARY chapbook. I liked them! Hopefully so will everybody else.
Quote of the Day, Mitt Romney Twists The Foreign Policy Knife edition.
The use of the Shakespeare quote was particularly vicious. I approve, mind you:
In virtually every foreign-affairs crisis we have faced these past five years, there was a point when America had good choices and good options. There was a juncture when America had the potential to influence events. But we failed to act at the propitious point; that moment having passed, we were left without acceptable options. In foreign affairs as in life, there is, as Shakespeare had it, “a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.”
Continue reading Quote of the Day, Mitt Romney Twists The Foreign Policy Knife edition.